10 pts
Full Marks
The following items are answered with details to support the answer: 1. What type of volcano destroyed Pompeii? 2. What type of eruption from the volcano was it? 3. 2-3 fully detailed pieces of evidence are presented that explain why the destruction of Pompeii is attributed to this type of eruption.
8 pts
Partial Marks
The following items are answered with details to support the answer: 1. What type of volcano destroyed Pompeii? 2. What type of eruption from the volcano was it? 3. 1 fully detailed or 2 brief pieces of evidence are presented that explain why the destruction of Pompeii is attributed to this type of eruption.
6 pts
Partial Marks
The following items are answered with details to support the answer: 1. What type of volcano destroyed Pompeii? 2. What type of eruption from the volcano was it? 3. 1 brief piece of evidence is presented that explains why the destruction of Pompeii is attributed to this type of eruption.
4 pts
Partial Marks
The following items are answered with few details to support the answer: 1. What type of volcano destroyed Pompeii? 2. What type of eruption from the volcano was it?
2 pts
Partial Marks
Only 1 of the following items are answered with few details to support the answer: 1. What type of volcano destroyed Pompeii? 2. What type of eruption from the volcano was it?
0 pts
No Marks
The question is not addressed.