
Why Choose AngularJS for Your Next Mobile App

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martindanwar @martindanwar · Jan 26, 2021

AngularJS for Your Next Mobile App

There may be many mobile app development languages around you but you need to choose whichever suits your requirements the best. One such language that is making its way to the path of evolving programming languages is AngularJS. An
gularJS development services can offer a range of user-friendly apps for businesses.



However, there are myriads of advantages with AngularJS, but the listed ones are admired the most by developers:

• Expressive User Interface

AngularJS always uses HTML to define the codes for users’ interfaces which helps developers make fewer efforts in writing complete JS codes. In comparison to JavaScript, HTML is more clearer and intuitive and never creates complexities between codes, hence it is used to build highly interactive & user-friendly applications and websites that are high on functionality and light in weight.

• MVC Design Architecture

It is practically observed that most of the frameworks only develop the mobile applications and don’t split them into the MVC architecture. You can have this facility when going for AngularJS web & mobile app development as it strings the application code together. This is how it saves a lot of development time and also reduces the app’s time to market.

• Require Less Coding

You must be aware of the complexities of writing codes as these always require hardcore skills and tireless effort. To facilitate developers and to overcome this hurdle, Google introduced the AngularJS framework which extends its domain from JS to HTML and used for creating very simple and highly interactive AngulaJS responsive web design.

• Unit Testing Ready

Without quality testing development is incomplete. AngularJS has been developed by keeping in mind the need and importance of testing. To ensure zero-defect components and to avoid wastage of time, AngularJS comes up with the unit testing setup. By running this setup, developers will be getting the exact insight into their development outcomes.

• Ensure Fast Development

AngularJS follows MVC architecture which ensures the initiation and development of the entire project quick & fast. Also, it provides speedy testing and maintenance facilities to the community of AngularJS developers.

• Provides Modularity

Modularity is considered the best and the vital part of this framework. With AngularJS, you can create multiple modules for a single application. Each module depends on the other and can be further combined to run the complete application. It is one of the best benefits of AngularJS in that it automatically identifies when an additional module should be added, hence binds it to the other developed application modules.

• Two-Way Data Binding

AngularJS is highly demanded all over the industry due to its two-way data binding functionality. It means, any changes made in application objects immediately influence the user interface and vice versa. In this framework, both the module changes and the user actions take place simultaneously.

• Effective Use Of Filters

AngularJS filters are used to transform the data stored in AngularJS responsive design. From the directory of AngularJS, you can have different types of filters such as Currency, Number, Lowercase, limit, Uppercase, Order by, Date, etc. Apart from these filters, if you want some other than you can create your own by simply registering a new filter factory.

• Use of Custom Directives

It is an exceptional benefit of the AngularJS framework which allows developers to deal with the custom HTML directives when they find the inbuilt directives tricky and non-profitable.

• SPA Oriented Features

SPA (Single Page Application) and AngularJS simply are associated with each other and provides form validation capabilities. So, when a page uses form, it is the form controller that writes down their states. By using this data, developers change the behavior of the HTML elements used for user interfaces.