
Shanti-Kai Clear My Space

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shantikaifloweressences @shantikai · Mar 21, 2023 · edited: Apr 4, 2023

Do you ever feel down or depressed at home or work? Do you find youself sometimes feeling negative for no apparent reason? Do you fell drained after interacting with certain people? Do you feel like you take on the pain or problems of people you interact with? If so, you may greatly benefit from Clear My Space™ Essence!

Its carefully crafted blend combines Hawaiian flowers, gemstones, and precious metals designed to neutralize and release negative energy in the nergyfield of both people and spaces while depositing higher vibrations of peace and light.

Some of the most popular Hawaiian essences include the plumeria, which is said to promote peace and relaxation, and the puakenikeni, which is believed to help with emotional trauma and stress. Other essences, such as the naupaka and the hibiscus, are said to help with issues related to love and relationships.

In addition to their healing properties, Hawaiian essences are also revered for their spiritual significance. Many people believe that the plants and flowers used in the essences hold powerful mana, or life force energy, and that by using these essences, they can tap into this energy and connect with the spiritual realm.

Overall, Hawaiian essences offer a powerful and natural way to promote healing and well-being on all levels. Whether you are looking to address a physical ailment, release emotional blockages, or deepen your spiritual connection, these essences can offer a gentle yet effective way to bring balance and harmony back into your life.


Clear My Space™ acts as a fantastic smoke-free incense or sage alternative and is safe to use in virtually any environment, even round pets. Clear My Space™ is also a prefect solution if you are a healing practitioner who likes to clear out your work spaces between clients, bringing your area into a higher vibrational light and detoxing any negativity or lingering, unwanted energies. It's great for homes and offices where many people interact, and also excellent to use in vehicles as well.Do you ever feel down or depressed at home or work? Do you find youself sometimes feeling negative for no apparent reason? Do you fell drained after interacting with certain people? Do you feel like you take on the pain or problems of people you interact with? If so, you may greatly benefit from Clear My Space™ Essence!Call us (808)-634-6284


downy scent booster