
Arithmetic (profit,loss, percentage and simple interest)


Today in this article I will discuss on arithmetic, topics (Profit and loss, percentage and simple interest) and their related formulae and related problems and also show how their problems are solved. These will help on going school students a lot.     



        What is profit?



  • When selling price of an article is more than its cost price or buying price then it is called profit.e.g;if selling price of an article is Rs 25 and its cost price is Rs 20 then we will say there is a profit of  = Rs(25-20) =Rs 5                     
  •        i.e; if S.P>C.P, then
  •   Profit=S.P—C.P
What is loss?


  • When selling price is less than its cost price of an article then we can say that there is loss.Mathematically, if C.P>S.P then loss occurs.
  • Loss:-C.P-S.P

Some examples of profit and loss problems:-

  • 1. A shop keeper bought one dozen bananas with Rs 60 and sold them with Rs80,find his profit or loss.


  • Here, Cost price of bananas=Rs 60 
  • Selling price of bananas=Rs 80
  •    Selling price>Cost price
  •      Profit=Rs(80-60)            
  •  =Rs 20

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