If you have a car, you already know that buying car insurance is critical. Simply put, car insurance is a contract between you and the insurance company wherein, the company promises to safeguard you from any losses that you may incur in case of destruction or harm to your car. Some people prefer additional coverage and hence, opt for add-ons. In today’s article, we will be shedding light on one of the most popular car insurance add-ons, roadside assistance cover. The main advantage of availing of roadside assistance coverage is providing a technician or rescuing you, in case of an emergency. Now, let’s look at some other benefits of roadside assistance cover for car insurance.
- A phone call away:
Let’s say, you are going for a long drive with your friends and the car suddenly breaks down. This inconvenience doesn’t have to spoil your entire trip. When you avail of car insurance and roadside assistance cover, you get assistance at your service with just one phone call.
Depending on the gravity of the situation, they might offer on-phone assistance or send a technician at the earliest. If your car requires towing, then they shall take care of that as well. And it also provides you with another car.
2. Appropriate alternate transport:
Car breakdowns cannot be predicted, but one can always be ready to tackle it. In case of a breakdown on the highway, it may be tough to find a garage around, but if you have car insurance with roadside assistance, then you need not worry about anything. The company will send a technician to fix the issue at the earliest. When you contact the car insurance online company, they ask you the details of your issue and send help accordingly. Whether it is flat tyre or puncture or requires garage repair, the company will take care of everything. That’s not all, they also arrange for alternate transport service.
3. Protection against loss of keys:
In the middle of hectic schedules and busy days, you may misplace or forget your car keys. Let’s admit it, this has happened to all of us, isn’t it? Now in case you lose your car keys, the insurance covers you and arranges a spare key for you.
4. Fuel recharge:
Keeping a tab on the fuel tank is one of the basic tips. However, at times, you may miss the low fuel sign. And in such an instance, your car insurance will come to your rescue. If you have roadside assistance cover, then they will provide you with fuel.
Roadside side assistant covers aim to ensure a stress-free journey and give you the peace of mind that you need while driving. There are plenty of car insurance plans where roadside assistant cover can be added. You can buy car insurance online as well. Buying car insurance online will provide you with a space and a structured understanding of what covers you need in your insurance plan.
Looking through the benefits of roadside assistant cover, we can conclude that this cover is adequate for those who travel a lot in their car.