Many forms of online marketing depend on proper optimization of content to gather the most hits concerning organic traffic. In it, the most important factor is the correct usage of keywords. Yet only a handful among various firms truly understands how keyword works.
This results in wastage of valuable time and resources without any noticeable increase in the company's exposure. Hence, we at Digital Puzzle believe in in-depth keyword research amidst the market your firm is based in to thoroughly maximize the results obtained from Digital Marketing in general and SEO in particular.
Online marketing in itself is a wide term that means different things to different people. Let's take a look at 3 major sections of it -
- SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)
- PPC (Pay-Per-Click)
- Content marketing
If done correctly, they drive quality traffic from search engines to a firm's website. Why are keywords important in themselves? It is because they serve as a base for measuring the online demand for items relevant to their business. Therefore, the first step in proper keyword selection would be to identify and optimize the content for high-volume keywords. Keyword research, if not properly undertaken will undercut search engine traffic volume.
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