
Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend

Questions to ask your girlfriend are a crucial part of setting the mood for lovemaking. Did you know that a half hour or less before you have sex, you should be asking your girlfriend some questions? These innocent flirty questions to ask your girlfriend can take your love life to the next notch.


What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? Do you always look like you're on time for work, or does your hair look like it's been cut or styled just for the day? What's your favorite place to eat - does it always taste like the best you've had in a while or does it still give you the same feelings that you get when you go there with the girls?


These are fun questions to ask your girlfriend, but they can also tell her about your expectations for lovemaking. If you want to make her happy and stay together for a long time, you should ask her what her favorite way to stay active is. While you might think that she's strange and weird by asking this question, getting old and starting to notice how your body changes as you age is a very natural part of getting older.


Another question you should ask is this: Have you ever done anything you're ashamed of? One thing that will quickly reveal itself in a woman's reaction is guilt. If you ever did something you're not proud of, it will cause a great deal of pain to your relationship. Focus on the positives of your relationship and ask your girlfriend if she ever feels guilty about anything.


These are all serious questions to ask your girlfriend about your relationship that you can both relate to. One thing that you should always do is ask questions about your own feelings for your partner. She'll probably feel uncomfortable when you ask her questions about herself, so try not to use the "I'm too shy to talk about my feelings" excuse. If you're scared of the answer, then it might be better to avoid asking these kinds of questions to start with.


Other than asking questions about your relationship, you should also ask your girl questions about herself. Did you know that asking your girl questions about herself actually triggers her into telling you the craziest thing she's ever heard? It's true - even women who aren't comfortable talking about their feelings find it incredibly easy to ask their boyfriends or girlfriends about themselves when they're lonely or bored. So if you have a hard time broaching the subject of sex with your girl, just ask her questions about her sex life instead and watch her reaction.


These are the most basic questions you should start with, but if you want to add some spice to the conversation you can go ahead and ask her questions that get her thinking. What kind of music does she like to listen to? Is she a fan of a certain movie or series? Does she prefer classical music or pop? All these questions will make your girlfriend open up to you and will help you build a connection between the two of you that will last.


Asking questions is something you need to do if you want to win your girl back and make sure that your relationship stays strong. However, the best way to ask questions is not with the way you ask them, but with how you're not asking them. If you want to get your girl back, you have to forget about the "crush" you had on her and focus all your attention on her. Just remember, it's only natural to feel things for the first time when you're just new together and asking questions could change one thing - but for the both of you.