
◍☁☀◎◇Rayleigh scattering USELESS @ daytime-border❚Green exclusion❟@sky sunrise&sunset

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px2195 @px2195 · Jun 18, 2022

Rayleigh scattering USELESS @ daytime-borderGreen exclusion@sky sunrise&sunset❚VS. prismatic model



•evenings and mornings of day clouds (A.highlighted without green contrary to the prism)

generally sun simulators excluded – cannot find any sun-sim in Poland


A.[my clouds collection]

but from LuxCore Render phys. correct”:


–––– The old Rayleigh scattering is a stereotypic – very very selective function/equation that completely omits daytime-border situations. The thumb images don’t contain green color in the whole pallette of its colors! A contrario, the prism optical dispersion of white (for example, solar) light does generate it.

•••Some Blender project details: simple scene, BiDir rendering on 1-core 1.8GHz CPU lasts approx. 1.5h

Important LuxCore rendering parameters

Project objects list

No filter

•Eye depth: 10

•Light depth: 10

BiDir: enabled

Res.: 93%×1920×1080


•BG Sun





— — … Mie scattering (as linked to show some old scientific background) doesn’t matter ALSO – in fully the same way.

Model describes std. circumstances, not polar (that we’ve some basis to believe in 2 holes at N&S poles – but… Earth is not hollow NOR empty…). Everything shows that it is Concave.


  1. https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Spectral-distribution-of-stripe-noise-a-Pentagon-image-and-power-spectrum-b_fig2_346039015

  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visible_spectrum

  3. https://tradycyjnyyahwista.wordpress.com/miniscgallery/

  4. http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/atmos/blusky.html#c3