
How Should Weight Loss And Pilonidal Cyst Surgery Work Together?

Pilonidal cysts are painful, fluid-filled sacs that develop near the root of the tailbone; they frequently need surgery to be treated. The relationship between weight management and several medical diseases is widely known, but research on the relationship between weight and pilonidal cysts is still ongoing. To know How Should Weight Loss And Pilonidal Cyst Surgery Work Together?

Knowing Pilonidal Cysts and How to Treat Them Surgically

A pilonidal cyst is a little sac or pocket that develops close to the tailbone and contains waste such as hair and skin fragments. It may grow infected and turn into a painful abscess, making it uncomfortable to sit or move around.

While conservative therapies like warm compresses and antibiotics may work in some cases, larger or recurring cysts necessitate surgical intervention. 

  • Increased Friction

Excess body weight can lead to increased friction in the gluteal cleft (the area between the buttocks). This constant rubbing and pressure can irritate the hair follicles, leading to the formation of pilonidal cysts.

  • Reduced Air Circulation

Being overweight or obese may result in skin folds and creases, hindering proper air circulation in the gluteal area. Inadequate ventilation can create a warm and moist environment, which is conducive to the growth of bacteria and infection, potentially worsening pilonidal cysts.