How to choose the menu in Chinese, Italian and Indian restaurants (Dt Smita Shadangi and Dt Asharani Dakua)
In Chinese Restaurants
-Ordering Chinese takeout is easy. Ordering healthy Chinese takeout takes a little more thought.
-Eating Chinese food once in a while is okay. However old people or people with digestive problems like acidity, bloating, flatulence, stomach ulcers, joint pain etc should avoid Chinese food. Chinese food is not exactly harmful however, it is not exactly compatible with our food habits. Normally Chinese food like Noodles or fried rice uses highly acidic ingredients like soya sauce, vinegar and tomato sauce etc.
-Steamed dishes are the best option, but stir-fried are fine because they are usually lower in fat and include vegetables.
Some Healthy Chinese Food Options are
-Shrimp and vegetables with black bean sauce you get lean protein from the shrimp, lots of antioxidants fibre and even a bit of water from the veggies.
-Beef and broccoli.
-Steamed and stir-fried vegetables.
– Small bowl soup- eating a broth-based soup first can help eat less.
– Chinese eggplant with garlic sauce.
-Szechuan items like prawns and chicken.
– Brown rice with scrambled egg-brown rice has a lower glycemic index which reduces insulin spikes.
– If u take non-veg items or chow mein or spring roll then take a small bowl of cabbage broccoli salad before eating.
Try to Avoid:
Sweet and sour battered chicken, fish balls, and fried rice (veg and non-veg).
Healthiest Italian Food Takeout Options in the Restaurant
If you are having pizza, choose lower-fat toppings, such as vegetables, fish, and prawns. You
could ask for some extra veg on your pizza to bump up your daily fruit and veg portions. But if you don’t want to increase the saturated fat content and number of calories in your meal, don’t ask for extra cheese.
For white pasta dishes, if you want a lower-fat option go for a sauce that’s based on tomatoes or vegetables rather than cream. If you are having a starter or a dessert, then you could go for a smaller main meal, such as a starter-size pasta with a side salad-Italian restaurants often serve. 2 sizes of pasta dishes.
Rather than garlic bread, which often contains a lot of butter, you could try bruschetta, which is a tasty bread toasted and topped with fresh tomato and herbs.
Try to Avoid
Large deep pan pizzas, pizzas with a cheese stuffed crust, Triple cheese with pepperoni pizzas, creamy pasta sauces, and garlic bread.
Tips, When You are in Indian Restaurant
Opt for Salad Appetizer Eating salad, is a healthy tip for dining out. Many Indian restaurants will offer a green salad on the menu. Because you are aiming to eat healthily. it is best to avoid dressings that are high in fat If you can’t avoid the dressing, try asking for it on the side so you can control your portion.
Stick with Chicken or Seafood
The American Heart Association suggests that you opt for chicken or seafood dishes over ones with beef and lamb, which are higher in fat. Chicken or shrimp dishes are very common in Indian restaurants and are full of protein.
Avoid Fried Food
Fried foods are high in fat, calories and cholesterol and should be avoided if you are trying to lose or maintain your weight. Fried items at Indian restaurants include samosas, pakora, and some kinds of flatbreads. You can opt for grilled or steamed meals instead to fill your belly in a healthier way.
Choose Meats Cooked Tandoori Style
Tandoori style means the meat has been oven-grilled instead of fried. Heather Bauer, R.D., CD.N. states that sticking with grilled meats is “always a winner and suggests ordering a tikka dish if you are looking for extra flavour. These dishes are usually seasoned with spices and tomatoes.
Skip the Soup-
If you are watching your sodium intake, it is best to avoid most soups. Many soups at Indian restaurants can be high in sodium. If you would like something similar, you can go for a hearty stew to fill you up faster and keep you from eating more later in the meal.
Order Roti Bread Instead of Naan-
Roti bread is the healthiest option of the assorted bread you can choose from at an Indian restaurant. According to Heather Bauer, R.D C.D.N. it is a smarter choice because it is made from whole-wheat.
Go Light on the Rice-
Many Indian dishes are served with rice. It can be very easy to get carried away when adding rice to your plate. This can add extra calories to your meal, so stick with a small portion of rice
Order from the Lunch Menu-
Mary Indian restaurants will have a lunch menu from which you can order. Ordering from the lunch menu means you will be getting a smaller portion, so you won’t have to worry as much about overeating
Don’t be Afraid to Custom Order-
When dining out, you always have the option. to custom order, If there is something that you’d really like, but you don’t want some of the ingredients, you can request that your meal not include them. Also, you can usually request that fried foods be substituted with grilled foods, or that your food is cooked in a vegetable-based curry instead of coconut milk
Skip Dessert-
While desserts are almost always sweet and appealing, they are best avoided when trying to make a healthy meal. Instead of going with the fatty dessert options, try ending your meal with coffee or tea. This way, you still have something a little sweetened without the calories.