Second hand mobiles are in great demand in the market but few people taking advantage of the situation and sell their faulty used phones.
As we all know used phones for sale is in great demand in this pandemic period as most people buy second hand phones for their children so that they can attend the online class regularly. And people and to buy the product as quickly as possible and they don’t want to know the condition of the phone rather than buying it blindly.
Taking this scenario into account few scammers want to earn quick and easy money by selling their faulty or damaged phone for sale by hiding the original details of the phone to gain customers trust and sell them a bad quality product and after using the product for few days it gets damaged and making the persons money spent on buying used phone goes worthless.
How to avoid buying faulty phones
- Research
Before making the final mindset to buy used or refurbished phones, Decide which phone you want to buy, whether you want to buy a cheap iPhone or refurbished iPhones or used iPhone or any other smartphone you want to buy. Do some research on the phones go through different reviews and recommendations and find out what are the most common problems people are facing with the product can you adjust to that problem or you need to change your mind and switch to another smartphone to buy. Researching will help you get a quality and worthy product.
If you are deciding to buy a refurbished phone, then search for a certified refurb seller. These sellers provide genuine refurbished products and there are also third-party refurbished sellers, they also provide refurbished products but cannot guarantee the originality of the product. So always go for certified refurb products.
- Avoid Buying a Stolen Phone
Even if you are getting a very good deal like a high-budget phone at a very low price (i.e) the cost of the used phone of that model shouldn’t be so low, then be careful while buying the phone as it might be a stolen phone.
Check for original documents of the product. The document or the file where the details of the phones are mentioned should be visible very carefully and neatly if it is not visible properly then the document might be a faked one or might be tampered with to look like the original document. To check the originality of the document look for the IMEI number(International Mobile Equipment Identity) or dial *#06# to check the IMEI number of the phone and match the same with the original document or bill of the phone. If the serial number matches the number mentioned on the bill then it is not a stolen phone.
- Real Vs Fake Phones
There are millions of fake phones getting sold around the world and fake smartphone sale costs the global industry 48 Billion US Dollars annually! There are a lot of Chinese and Korean phones available in the market a lot cheaper than the original phone. These phones are cheaper because they are the clone version of the phone and it is very difficult for an individual to figure out whether it is an original product or a clone one.
To check the product first thing is to switch on the phone if it is already switched on then off the phone and switch on again and which logo appears during the switch on. From here most people can figure out the clone version or not. If still, you couldn’t figure it out then Go to settings and check the hardware and software details if still, you are not getting then you can download any third-party apps from PlayStore to check the hardware and software installed inside the phone or you can take help from any technician who has good knowledge on smartphones and from there you can easily figure out whether the phone is a clone one or an original one.
- Inspecting the Phone Physically
Now we know that the phone is neither stolen nor a fake one. It is time to check the phone more deeply and physically. It is very necessary to check the phone from every angle and look for any sign of damage. If there is a cracked screen on the phone then look whether it the screen guard or the original screen. If the original screen is damaged then it might cost more than 3K and if it is the screen guard then it is manageable.
Look at the phone from every corner of the phone check the touch response brightness shake the phone well and listen to if there are any sounds or not. if some sound is heard while shaking then something is broken inside the phone and ensure that the phone is not exposed to water damage.
If the phone's battery is non-removal then look at the sim tray for water damage indicator. If the phone’s battery can be removed then switch off the phone and take out the battery and check for any changes on the charging ports, if the color is changed then it might be exposed to water and it is better to avoid buying the phone.
If there are many scratches on the phone then the phone might be frequently falling and getting internal damages. Even if there is no problem with the phone it is better to avoid these types of phones as they might show problems shortly.
- Final Price
As you have done a lot of research inspecting the phone then you might have compared the pricing of the phone too. Don’t always fall for low prices, not low-priced things are worthful.
So, it is better to look at the phone condition and pricing comparing with other sites if there is a 200-300 rupees difference then it is ok. If the price difference is more it is better to go for the other one and look for a better deal and pay the price and don't overpay the seller as it is a used one it is meant to be a lower price, overpaying is a loss of money.
SELL & BUY used phones for a good price
You can sell & buy used phones on classified sites like Cifiyah. It is one of the most trusted sites to buy and sell your products easily and securely. You can get huge varieties and options to buy cheap iPhones, refurbished iPhones, used iPhones and you can also get good and better cell phone deals & latest gadgets deals than any other classified site.
You can post free ads on classifieds sites to sell or buy used phones easily. If you are new to the site then, Register and post an advertisement on the product that you want to sell and mention all the details of the product including a good photo of the product to be sold and fix the desired price at which rate you want to sell used mobiles and wait for interested customers to contact you through mail or phone number that you have mentioned it during the time of advertisement.