
Disability Services Mornington

The deinstitutionalisation movement marked a paradigm shift in disability ideology, funding and policy. Unfortunately, media representations often present this new policy as a failure to provide adequate care.

Interested in exploring Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) for yourself or your loved one? Click here for information on eligibility and funding.

Community Participation


For those looking to connect and socialise with their community, disability services mornington provide a range of different activities. These include Leisure Buddy programs, which pair volunteers with people with disabilities for one-on-one friendships; VALID’s Peer Support Groups, which connects disabled people to peers who offer knowledge, experience, emotional or practical support; and ADEC’s Outdoor Adventure Programs, which offer weekend or school holiday camping experiences.

To deliver a high-quality service, disability services providers should promote choice and control, community connections, informed decision-making, strong relationships, high-quality services and embrace innovation. This is the approach called Enabling Good Lives, and it requires that people with disabilities have access to information, tips, tools, and regulations that enable them to make their own choices about their life. It also requires that disability sector providers are willing to work with people and their families to create personalised plans for the future. This is a fundamental step in creating a person-centred community.

Accessibility Services

As a registered NDIS provider Victoria wide, Melba is committed to helping people supported live the life they want. This is achieved through high quality disability services, fun community connections programs, and innovative activities that help build self-confidence and independence.

Accessibility Services are available for individuals with a range of disabilities and conditions. To find out more about how we can assist you, please click on the link below.

Accessibility Services are also available for individuals who require specialist disability accommodation. For more information, please click on the link below to visit the NDIS website. This will provide you with the necessary information to make an informed decision about your loved one’s disability accommodation needs. Alternatively, you can call our team to discuss your options.

Life Skills Training & Development

We offer life skills training and development that can improve your day-to-day living. These services include assistance with daily tasks like cleaning, cooking and shopping. They can also help you participate in community activities and social events. In addition, we can assist you with innovative community participation programs that are tailored to your needs. We can also offer NDIS support coordination services that can help you with planning, budgeting and managing your support funding. Moreover, we can provide assistance with getting reports from your OTs and GPs. This helps you to get the right tools and supports that will help you live a more independent life.

Support Coordination

The NDIS offers funding for individuals who want to use a support coordinator to manage their NDIS plan. This will help them achieve their goals and find the right services. Depending on your needs, this can include organising reports from OTs and GPs or helping you with your daily routine via personal training.

Melba disability care services are a registered NDIS provider Victoria wide who believe that people with disabilities deserve to live fabulous lives. They offer high-quality supports and services, including community connections programs that enable you to participate in fun social activities. They also offer innovative leisure buddy programs that pair volunteers with disabled adults so they can develop genuine friendships and become more active in their communities.

Carers Victoria is a valuable resource for families and caregivers of people with disabilities in Australia. They offer a variety of services, such as advocacy training and resources that empower individuals to voice their needs. You can also access their website to learn about SDA (Specialised Disability Accommodation) services and the options available for your loved ones.