Earnings per Share: What is it? How Can I Interpret It?
Introduction: What is EPS?
Earnings per Share (EPS) is a measure of the amount of money that a company earns per share. It is calculated by dividing the net income for the period, less preferred dividends and other non-voting shares, by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding.
Earnings per Share (EPS) is calculated by dividing the net income for a period, less preferred dividends and other non-voting shares, by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding.
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EPS Reporting Methods
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How to Interpret Earnings Per Share Results
Earnings per share (EPS) is a key indicator of the performance of a company. It reflects the amount of profit that each share in the company has generated. EPS is calculated by dividing the net income by the number of shares outstanding during a given time period.
A high EPS means that the company has been able to generate large profits on its investments, while a low EPS might indicate that it’s not generating enough returns on its investments.
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