
How is LinkedIn sales navigator a Secret Tool for success?

LinkedIn is apparently one of the most popular networking platforms. It is almost used by all businesses for creating their brand awareness and also for reaching out to potential leads. 

What is LinkedIn Sales Navigator?

Let us start by first explaining what Is LinkedIn Sales Navigator. It is a professional tool that comes only with the premium version of LinkedIn. It helps with generating leads and connecting with them in an organized manner. It is one of the best tool in social media marketing and relevant leads can be identified in a more effective manner as it gives a boost. The engagement is also monitored and helps foster a large network of leads.

These are the ways in which the Sales Navigator can be used effectively.

Sales Preferences should be updated

You have to make sure that your sales preferences are updated. Once you have decided who your target customer or user persona is, the preferences can be set accordingly. The details such as company size, industry, geography, etc. can be input. After LinkedIn Sales Navigator login, go to the Sales Navigator tab. The sales preferences can be updated over there. Let’s say that you’re the founder of a company that provides IT services to other companies. If you’re at an early stage, you might want to look for companies who are at an early stage too. The sales preferences can be set accordingly.

Generation of Leads from Existing Leads

The LinkedIn profile of an existing lead can provide a variety of information which can generate many more leads. The People Also Viewed section can be checked to see if anything is in alignment with your interests. The connections of the person can also be checked to look for people with a similar profile. It’s an added advantage if you already have your sales preferences set.

Establishing Meaningful Connections that make a difference

Now that the potential clients have been identified, its time to make the next move. There is firstly not going to be a lot of time to make a good impact on a particular person. So, this has to be done well.

Make sure you have set up your own profile properly

You might have spent a lot of time scanning the profile of the person that you’re going to approach. Before that, it is important that you have first gone through your own profile properly. Having a complete profile is very important. Make sure that your headline says who you are. It should give a good reason for the person to pay attention to you.

Use Unique Content

You must make sure that your content is unique. It should not be a template that you’re using. It of course will take some time, but the results will be better. You must have best content marketing strategy.

Look for Open Profiles

The number of InMail messages that you can send using LinkedIn is limited. Try connecting with open profiles. This will not be counted as a part of the InMail limit.

Follow up with the Leads

If a person responds after you have sent a connection request, make sure you are responding back with a thankyou note and take things forward. Do not leave the leads hanging!

Staying in the Relationship

Make sure that you regularly check the news feed. Check how your clients are engaging with others on LinkedIn or what content they are posting. You can leverage those to make sure that the relationship is ongoing. You can also message them on certain occasions or festivals to continue with the relationship. After spending a lot of time getting the clients, it is not a good idea to just let go.

Using the Social Selling Index Tool

You have to continuously monitor how you are engaging with the clients and what kind of results you are getting. The Social Selling Index Tool helps very well in this. It helps get the best results and also helps you understand your pain points. This will help you improvise. It is just a tool that checks how effectively you have been using the Sales Navigator Tool.

The performance is measured on four areas: professional branding, if you have the right connections, engagement with insights, and relationship building. A maximum of 25 can be given by LinkedIn on each factor. The scores will be tabulated weekly. LinkedIn also compares your results with other people in your industry. It will then give suggestions on how you can up your game.


There are many ways in which the LinkedIn Sales Navigator tool can be used to improve your sales and marketing. It has to be made sure that you are engaging properly and regularly. Clients have to be engaged with in a personalized manner and the relationship has to be properly maintained. Make sure you periodically take in the feedback that LinkedIn gives you and improvise on your weak areas. Companies like Digileap Marketing provide the best digital marketing services which include LinkedIn marketing as well.

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