
Who Is Not The Soulmate Of a Scorpio? (Worst Romantic Pairings!) || AstroLekha

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Astro Lekha @Astro_Lekha · Dec 10, 2022

It's crucial to understand who isn't, who rates lowest, and which signs might even be referred to as "zodiac enemies" when determining who Scorpio soulmate is. The signs of fire and air are typically the least compatible with Scorpio.

But keep in mind that astrological compatibility and soulmate potential go beyond star signs! The Moon, Rising, Venus, and other planetary placements of your sweetheart or companion should also be taken into account.



  1. Aries is the most combative sign.

Simply put, sweet Scorpio prefers Aries because he is too combative, bully-like, and domineering. There are some significant conflicts present. Scorpios will probably start to resemble their fiery spouse more and more with time, becoming less sensitive, selfish, and gently sympathetic and more like them in terms of insensitivity and love of chaos.


They might not even be aware of it at all. Scorpio's worst traits, including its primitive, domineering, control-seeking, emotionally insensitive, and unempathetic sides, are brought out by Aries, especially a less evolved, lower vibratory Aries.


  1. Gemini: The flimsy chameleon.

They are initially a little too superficial for Scorpio's profundity, but they will be drawn to the shared and highly regarded color, charisma, and originality. Each would need to make significant sacrifices, though, in order to live long.


Gemini will feel constrained and repressed, while Scorpio will feel emotionally (and possibly spiritually) unhappy. Gemini thrives off of an educated, vivacious, and optimistic (i.e., superficial, to Scorpio) attitude and has a strong need for many friendships and acquaintances.


Scorpio favors emotional depth, sensitivity, and a strong magnetic connection. Because neither will completely comprehend how the other works, there will eventually be a lack of respect as well as unity, harmony, and joy.


  1. Leo: Contraries may fascinate, yet...

An "incompatible" connection might potentially develop into a soulmate relationship.

Leo is a perfect illustration of this- similar to Taurus, Scorpio's opposite, there are loads of variances that can make both partners grow and reach unknown portions of themselves. However, there are some very, very obvious, fundamental differences.


Leo is all about glitz, luxury, chasing the limelight, and shining in a way that frequently dims the light of those who are more sensitive, introverted, or artistic. The gentle and modest artist is a Scorpio! There is a lot of passion and inspiration present when fire and water combine to produce steam. However, there are eventually too many errors, disputes, and conflicts to ignore.


  1. Libra: In the midst

Of all the fire and air signs, Libra has the greatest potential for a long-lasting soulmate relationship. Venus, the planet of femininity, rules Libra, giving them a more delicate and feminine side.


Scorpio sees a lot of favorable qualities and potential for harmony in their relationship because they are both equally rational, cerebral, inventive, and intuitive. Additionally, Libra is a balance of the masculine (air sign) and feminine (feminine planet) aspects, desiring peace and harmony while abhorring strife.


In addition, Libra has a strong sense of sensuality, creativity, and imagination. Overall, this has a lot of potentials. The domains of sex and intimacy need improvement.



  1. Sagittarius: Short lifespan

Despite the fact that they find each other to be very attractive and entertaining, there is a lot of friction and drama in this relationship and there is little to no trust. Issues with longevity, security, dedication, and trust are critical.


One of those "friends with benefits" friendships may be created with this. Scorpio, however, seeks something more profound, endowed with compassion and soul. Sagittarius people are often free spirits who prefer various partners or to be a little bit player- or polyamorous. However, they may also be affectionate and loving.

many perspectives on the same coin. For the upbeat and energetic Sag personality, Scorpio could also come across as melancholy and mellow.


  1. Aquarius: Cold and emotionally detached

Despite the fact that both Scorpio and Aquarius are practical and resourceful, as well as having a similar artistic, creative, and imaginative vibe, they operate in quite different ways. The partnership won't work until Aquarius has their Moon, Rising, and other placements in more delicate and feminine signs since Aquarius' emotionally cold and distant character will be a constant issue.


It's sad because we score highly on having similar values and interests. Simply put, whereas Scorpio "feels," analytical Aquarius will "think" their way into the relationship, including romance and sex.

I appreciate your interest in learning about the ideal and ideal-worst Scorpio soulmate.


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