
Six things to know before buying TMT bars


Quality is the most important consideration when it comes to TMT bars. Strong and reliable bars are  must critical components of a building’s infrastructures. Long-lasting structures with a solid foundation is our legacy for the  future generation. The idea of long-lasting structures can be reached by following the philosophy of ‘building it right’. To build it right, you have to select the best TMT bars in India. How can you do that? Well, you must know the important points to pick the best quality of TMT bars for the final construction work.


To help you select better, we have prepared a list of factors you must focus on while buying TMT bars in India.


ANTI CORROSIVE PROPERTY: Choose a TMT steel bar with corrosion resistance. This shields the steel bar's surface from external weakening agents like moisture. As a result, the building's framework will be stronger for a long time. The anti-corrosive TMT steel bar provides great resistance to buildings if the construction is done in a flood-prone or heavy rainfall-prone area.


MANUFACTURING PROCESS: The manufacturing process of the bars is another important consideration. Superior quality steel bars should be manufactured with iron ore and not just scraps. Once the manufacturing process uses iron ore as the raw material, refining the mixture becomes important to strain out all the impurities. The finished products will come out strong after the use of Ladle Refining Furnace (LRF).


TMT GRADES: Before purchasing TMT bars, be sure to check the steel bar's grade. TMT steel bars are available in a variety of grades. The different grades denote distinct qualities, which may be used to meet a range of building purposes.


FLEXIBILITY: The best quality of TMT bars should have flexibility. This property is important because it makes sure the bars will not break easily after construction. An earthquake-prone area or places with high seismic activity requires TMT bars with high flexibility, as it helps the structure to stay put without crumbling down. This is one of the most important factors to look at while settling for a brand.


TESTING FACILITY: Finally, get TMT steel bars from a company that has both a laboratory and a testing facility to ensure that their steel products are of high quality and thoroughly tested. If you want to get the finest quality steel bars for your project, this is a must.


BRAND CERTIFICATION: Brand certificates are an important feature when choosing the best TMT steel bars. You should concentrate on brands that have BIS and IMS (Integrated Management System) 0-certifications and have acquired a good reputation in the market.


Buying TMT bars from some of the reliable manufacturers will ensure safe and high-quality construction. A strongly built structure will serve the purpose of being safe and last beyond the decades of the nation’s consistent progress.


Selecting the best TMT bars in India might seem like a challenging task. However, it can be simplified with a little research work. These six important factors can save you from investing in the wrong brand. It is possible to be confused as the market is flooded with steel manufacturers. However, crosschecking their history, flexibility, manufacturing properties, brand certification, etc. will enable you to identify brands that are committed to producing top-quality construction products including TMT bars.