
What should a roller skating beginner do at the beginning?

1. Standing and balance exercises. As a first-time skater, the first thing to learn is being able to stand on ice. When you can stand up straight without shaking, roller skate wholesale   , you can hold the railing with both hands and walk slowly along the perimeter. 


2. Step on the ground with one foot and slide both feet. Land your right foot on the inside edge, push your weight toward your left leg sliding forward, quickly tuck your left leg, and slide your right foot.


3. Single-leg sliding exercises. The upper body is leaned forward, the arms hang down naturally, the feet are slightly apart, the center of gravity is shifted to the right leg, the inner edge of the right foot is used to push the ground, the left foot is forced to slide forward, and the center of gravity is pushed to the left after the kick is over. on the legs. repeatedly.


4. Practice the method of sliding in a straight line. The upper body is leaning forward, the shoulders are slightly higher than the hips, the hands are behind the back or the natural swing, and the legs are bent. Hold this position for one-leg, one-leg gliding exercises.


5. Practice the swing arm action of sliding in a straight line. Powerful swinging arms swing back and forth along the longitudinal axis of the body at accelerated speeds. As the arms swing up, increase the power of the kick.





What are some tips for beginners to learn ice skating?  

How to Care and Care for Roller Skates   

What to pay attention to when buying roller skates