
What is PCO

Visit our brochure page It is normal for most patients to be able to drive and return to work relatively quickly after laser eye surgery. Clamping is done to keep the eye open throughout the surgery, while the anaesthetics are to numb them. PCO can cause your vision to become blurry and you may have glare or difficulties in bright light before you have the laser treatment. During the second step, the patient's vision becomes blurry, once the flap is lifted. After the appropriate amount of corneal tissue has been ablated by the laser, the corneal flap is gently placed back down into its original position.

Please be aware that the Eye Department is a teaching unit and that many operations in whole or part can be carried out by trainee eye doctors under supervision. On arrival a series of checks will be conducted. Have you considered lens replacement surgery to correct your vision? Unlike standard LASIK, which can only correct simple imperfections in your vision such as short-sight, long-sight and astigmatism, CustomVue can measure and correct the unique and more complex imperfections of each individuals vision with the potential to experience better vision than is possible with glasses or contact lenses - your personal best vision. Following treatment, glasses had to become a part of my life once more. Each lens is specially selected for the patient to ensure the best possible visual outcome.

Serious pain may be a sign of an infection or other complications. At Optical Express, youll find that we provide exceptional clinical expertise, outstanding surgical outcomes and a complete aftercare programme. If after reading it you have any concerns or require further explanation, please discuss this with a member of the healthcare team caring for you. A comprehensive range of treatments are available to treat eye conditions including laser eye surgery as well as simply changing your glasses. a close family member having glaucoma. Cataract surgery may be considered one of the most successful treatments in all of medicine.

You won't be able to drive for a week so please arrange for someone to drive you home from the hospital. We will talk to you before surgery to confirm the ype of lens implant we plan to use and any other issues specific to your surgery. Below are a sample of finance deals available for the different treatment types. A number of months or years following cataract surgery you may require YAG laser capsulotomy. Experience freedom from glasses by having cataract surgery with the UK's best surgeons. In fact, cataract surgery is considered to be one of the most commonly performed eye surgeries nowadays, but somehow, a significant majority of people seems to be much apprehensive about it.

The focusing power of the IOL can be chosen to suit your eye. At this stage of the Lens Replacement Surgery process, an individual risk benefit assessment is carried and the decision to carry out surgery is confirmed. With continued advancements in techniques and technology, cataract surgery has evolved into a refractive procedure rather than simply a surgical treatment of cataract. As with laser eye surgery , if youre having cataract surgery and want to reduce your reliance on glasses you may opt for multifocal cataract surgery. However excimer laser treatment will not correct presbyopia - an age-related change in vision that usually makes it difficult to focus and requires reading glasses from the mid / late forties onwards. I understand that bespoke lasik eye surgery can provide excellent results.

There are some optical compromises to these lenses to get the range out of glasses, which will be thoroughly discussed for all patients considering this lens. Complications after cataract surgery are relatively uncommon. You should also avoid swimming and using hot tubs or whirlpools for a month. If you have one or more of these conditions, you may have more problems with dry eyes and postoperative pain than other people. This surgical procedure, however, still carries the risk of post-operative complications, the most devastating of which is endophthalmitis.

You will no longer just be looking at the consultation, medication, and aftercare fees but at the fees that come with travel and accommodation. Experience 20:20 Vision without glasses by undergoing eye laser surgery at a world renowned eye clinic. Once inside the eye, these lenses unfold and return to their original shape. Patients with mild to moderate amounts of dryness may still be suitable with appropriate pre-treatment of the dry eye problems in order to meet the threshold required for safe laser eye surgery. If you have a multifocal lens implant, you might not need glasses at all. We will equal any comparable price.

Glasses or contact lenses can correct vision, but reshaping the cornea itself also will provide the necessary refraction. This involves a thorough discussion prior to surgery. The ultrasound tip dissolves the lens fibres and simultaneously sucks them up the central tube within the tip. Who is suitable for cataract surgery? The extent to which cataracts affect your vision is very variable. Once the tissue has been corrected, the flap will be put back into place.