
Free scholarship test for IAS exam 2022



Youth Destination is a well-known IAS coaching institute in Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi. Our primary goal is to shape up the career of candidates by recognizing their skills and also helping them to achieve their dreams. Youth Destination has announced a free scholarship test for UPSC 2022 to candidates belonging to poor families or who cannot take IAS coaching due to financial reasons. They can appear for this free IAS scholarship test. The Covid epidemic has affected the lives of common people across the country. In this pandemic period, we have to survive with limited resources. Therefore, Youth Destination has launched a social initiative to assist UPSC candidates in their civil service preparation. We offer a free UPSC scholarship for this exam for the candidates who don't have access to the right coaching. This scholarship program is based on these criteria.



Candidates who belong to poor families

If a candidate belongs to a family which has income less than 2 lakhs per annum.

Candidates who have agricultural land less than 5 acres.

The students who have lost their parents due to the outbreak of covid-19 and it is very difficult for them to get back to their regular lives.

You can understand it in an easy way that this UPSC scholarship program is dedicated for those candidates who have lost their regular income in the covid-19 cases. Our main purpose to introduce this scholarship test for UPSC coaching 2022 has been introduced to fulfill the dream of a UPSC aspirant. This free UPSC scholarship program is a performance-based program. It means that the more marks you will score the more chances of getting scholarship will increase. Candidates will have to pay the first installment. After 1-2 months, the UPSC scholarship test for UPSC will be taken and the candidates who score more marks will be provided a scholarship from their second installment.

This scholarship test for IAS coaching 2022 is based on the merit and financial status of the candidates. You will have to pass the scholarship eligibility test. This free scholarship test for the UPSC coaching 2021 test includes general knowledge and aptitude questions and the student will get up to 50 percent of the scholarship in the annual coaching fee.

To enroll in the free IAS scholarship program, you will have to contact the expert of Youth Destination. Make sure you bring the family income certificate to know if you are eligible for the scholarship program or not. You can also send the income certificate online on our website.



IAS course details

  Youth Destination is a popular institute for IAS coaching in Delhi. Our main aim is to help the candidates prepare for the civil service exam. Our expert teacher guides them from the beginning to help them and understand the fundamentals of the civil service exam. This course also includes best study material, lectures, mock test series and mock interview sessions.

Revision is a must keeping the dynamic nature of this exam in mind. We provide library facilities to candidates where they can read without any distractions according to the requirements of the exams. Candidates who are unable to attend classroom coaching, we provide an online course for them. They can also ask their doubts in the live chat section.

If you belong from distant regions then this online course would significantly benefit you. Apart from this, working professionals also can join IAS online courses. It not only saves their time but is also affordable too.

Check the scholarship eligibility requirement to know whether you are eligible to apply for a scholarship program or not. After checking the specific criteria, you will know if you are eligible to apply or not.

Any candidate who enrolls in our UPSC course can apply for this scholarship program. Even if you are a school or college student and want to prepare for the UPSC exam during your graduation then also you can apply for this program.

Your local government body provides your family income certificate which is essential to get enrolled in a scholarship program.

Youth Destination offers free IAS coaching scholarships for candidates of various sections of the society. It is also beneficial for the candidates who belong to minorities and are underprivileged students. The Government of India and some state governments encourage the candidate to qualify for the IAS exam.

Candidates will get regular current affairs updates, free counselling sessions, previous year question paper syllabus, detailed syllabus copy for general studies paper, syllabus for optional subjects, mock test series for IAS exam, selective study material for civil service in this online coaching.



Free counselling for IAS preparation

  Right guidance is essential for cracking the toughest exam in the country that is known as the UPSC civil service exam. Candidates should have a clear approach and don't have any confusion before starting their preparation for the UPSC exam. They can face various problems during the course of the preparation. Therefore, a proper guidance helps to clear the confusions and to walk this difficult path and reach their goal easily. Many candidates find it difficult to get the best resources to study.

How to choose the right optional subject, the technique of time management, how to read newspapers in an effective way etc. these are the most common questions that every Civil candidate will have to face. We help the IAS candidates to take all these difficulties and guide them to the right path. This free counseling is offered by the experts for the UPSC exam. They have guided thousands of candidates in cracking this toughest exam and to become a Civil servant.

Youth Destination IAS institute also conduct free workshops in 2022. Candidates should attend the free session by experts and rank holders to get complete detail on the IAS coaching. To know about the right strategy, study material, optional subject and latest exam pattern, a candidate can register for this free workshop by clicking on this link:

We have started civil service coaching with a vision of quality but affordable fees. To promote self-study, we offer online study material which is completely free. The offline study material for example textbooks, NCERTs are also available.



Youth Destination IAS institute

  Every year approx. 10 lakhs aspirants appear in the UPSC civil service exam but a few of them fail to get their name in the final merit list because of the bad strategy or lack of right guidance. The candidates who belong to poor families or have no guidance about the Civil Service exam have only the option to prepare for the competitions by self-study. Youth Destination would like to help those underprivileged but talented aspirants. A good talent requires a good coaching institute to shape his career. The right direction and mentorship provided by our institute prepare the candidate to achieve success in the Civil Service exam. The main reason for launching the scholarship test is to pick out the best of talents. The talented candidates who qualify for the free UPSC scholarship scheme test can get free IAS coaching in our institute.

The main aim of this scholarship program is to find out the best talents for the UPSC exam.

Candidates will have to secure a minimum of 60% marks to qualify for the scholarship test.

The free scholarship program includes preparation for the UPSC Prelims exam, mains exam and interview session.



Test syllabus

History of India and Indian National movement

Indian and World Geography-physical, social, economic Geography of India and World

Indian Polity and Governance

Constitution, Political System, Panchayati Raj, Public Policy, rights issues etc.

Economic and Social development, sustainable development, poverty, inclusion, demographic social sector initiatives etc.

General issues on Environmental Ecology, Biodiversity and Climate Change, General Science Aptitude Test- General Mental Ability, Logical Reasoning and Analytical Ability, reading comprehension, basic numeracy class 10th level, numbers and their relations, orders of magnitude etc.

General knowledge, current affairs of National and International importance.



Is coaching necessary for the civil service exam?

  Is coaching essential for the civil service exam? This is the most common question that civil service candidates ask. If you are clueless about IAS exam demands then you should join the right coaching institute.

No doubt, the selection of the right coaching institute helps you but ultimately hard work, consistency and self-study will ensure your rank in the final merit list.

Youth Destination, the best IAS coaching in Delhi, provides notes for civil service prelims and mains exams. Candidates should start their preparation with NCERT books but don't neglect standard books. We will guide you about the standard books because conceptual clarity is essential for the civil service mains exam. Self-discipline, a basic level of knowledge and the right guidance from the institute will help to crack this exam.

If you have no idea about the UPSC exam pattern, syllabus, optional subjects, exam process, study material then the coaching institute definitely helps you.

If you cannot afford to go to Delhi for IAS coaching then it's ok. Online coaching is also available for the civil service exam.

Coaching institute notes are helpful and easy to revise but don't substitute them with standard books. Our teacher covers the syllabus entirely.

Keep in mind that UPSC is not like a graduation exam. Questions are asked of higher standards in the Civil Service exam that need deeper analytical depth. Direct questions are rarely asked in this exam so clarity of concepts is essential, especially in the mains’ papers to write good answers. A coaching institute offers test series that help to recognize your strengths and weaknesses.

If you are going to join a coaching institute for a civil service exam then don't blindly believe in advertisements.

Previous year results, expert faculty, availability of study material, mock test series are some important factors that you should keep in mind before joining a coaching institute.

Youth Destination is a popular and credible coaching institute specially for the optional subject and General studies paper and essay preparation.



Free IAS coaching online

  You will have to pay a relatively smaller amount in online classes compared to regular classroom coaching. Coaching course fees for the IAS exam are in lakhs which are not affordable for many candidates.

Apart from this, candidates will have to follow fixed batch timing there but in online coaching, you will get time flexibility. It not only saves your traveling time but also other expenses like accommodation and food. You can utilize this saved time for revision and get a good score in the Civil Service exam. Online IAS coaching makes you study at the comfort of your home with self-discipline.

Online IAS coaching updates current affairs and their content on a daily basis. Therefore, you will get the latest and updated content for exam preparation.

Candidates can clear their doubts and check current learning standings via mock test series. Regular practice of mock test series will help you to learn where you stand and optimize your preparation accordingly.

You should have only a mobile or laptop and an internet connection to get access to UPSC online coaching. The evolving technology day by day makes online classes a convenient platform for IAS exam preparation.

Many working professionals want to prepare for the IAS exam but they find it a difficult task with their regular job. They cannot join classroom coaching. However, there is no need to worry about difficult situations. Online classes should not be a problem if you are unable to manage regular classroom coaching. Online classes are the best solution here. You can prepare without any distractions and overcome any kind of obstacles. Candidates will get the same experience as classroom coaching in our free IAS coaching online. Some candidates doubt the quality of online classes. There are many reputed online coaching institutes in Delhi such as Youth Destination that offer interactive video sessions. It depends on you to pick the right institute from the crowd. You will get the same experience through online classes.

Current affairs is a section that needs regular updates. Online classes provide updated content and study material for current affairs. In fact, the content is updated every single day. You will get a chance to learn from updated content on a daily basis. There is no fixed path to succeed in the IAS exam but you will need to adopt a personalized preparation strategy. Free UPSC coaching online provides a good amount of study material so there is no need to worry about getting the right study material.


Address -  639, Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi, 110009

Contact us - 9811334434