Since 2016 a debate has been going on between the logo designers and the logo makers where the designers tell their side about why businesses should be going for these instead. But now times are different in 2021 as these automated designers have become more powerful and have been doing designing tasks that would take weeks in minutes.
This is something that has been making the creators uneasy, as the effort, it takes to learn how to create one and working hard to make something that different from all the others has stopped to matter.
I believe they don’t need to worry, as they are many businesses that will always prefer them instead of going for automation. Let see why:
Businesses want to be different:
One of the most important deciding factor the business asks itself is, should it be going for someone who will provide you with a label but it will be a creating using a template or one that will make your business different from all the others.
In these circumstances the thing they need to be checking out is the budget, if the company has the budget they are going to hire a professional designer. It is because they know the emblem they design will be accurately transmitting the brand image and mission statement.
Plenty of Design Options:
Whenever a symbol is being designed there is a time where either the designer or the maker asks the company some questions. One of these questions includes if they have any idea what they want their design to look like.
The way AI asks this the business to pick a few different designs from a list that includes thousands of different designs. Doing this can get very confusing and pretty time taking for software that should only be taking around 3-5 minutes.
Their main purpose is branding:
The main purpose of every emblem is to advertise the brand to millions of other customers. This can only be possible if the emblem designed has certain elements of the company. This is something that can’t be programmed nor are there any questions.
One thing you need to keep in mind both the designer and the creator has an idea of what the symbol should look like. The only way it can look perfect if both of these ideas are combined creating a custom logo design that meets the client’s expectations.
You know more about colour:
If you are talking about design one thing that will always come into your mind which colour should you be using? This is because colour plays a very important role when we are talking about designing a custom logo.
This is why every experienced creator learns about colour theory. If you are looking to be a designer make sure to understand how they work, how many colours should you be picking and what the best time to pick a colour is.
So the answer to this question is that the designer doesn’t need to worry about the logo maker. Till now if you are planning to design something creative like a Custom logo design company only a human be able to design it.