
Decoding the Control Grid: A Dive into Wireless Networks, Biosensors, and Digital Sovereignty

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Protoman @protoman · Feb 16, 2024


The speaker delves into complex topics surrounding the control and manipulation facilitated by advanced technology, focusing on wireless sensor networks, biosensors, and the implications of merging human biology with technology. The discourse highlights concerns about the secretive deployment of such technologies under the guise of public health and safety, questioning the transparency and ethics behind patents related to these advancements. Central to the conversation is the critique of how these technologies might be weaponized or misused to surveil, control, and potentially harm individuals by integrating them into a global information grid, referred to as a modern invisible prison. The speaker passionately argues for the need to raise awareness about these issues, urging a departure from ignorance towards an informed public dialogue. They emphasize the importance of understanding the intricacies of digital and biological integration, cybersecurity, and the potential for both misuse and beneficial applications of these technologies. The call to action stresses critical thinking, self-education, and the questioning of authority to truly grasp the depth of how emerging technologies could affect human autonomy, privacy, and rights in the digital age.


The text outlines a complex web of military, technological, and biomedical advancements that converge to form a sophisticated surveillance and control system. It mentions several projects and systems such as H.A.D.E.S. (High Accuracy Detection and Exploitation System), O.S.I.R.I.S. 5G systems, Project Maven, and the MQ-9 Reaper Drone, all integrated within a network that leverages the latest in communication and control technologies. The narrative suggests that these systems have been developed and deployed to enhance capabilities in warfare, surveillance, and potentially manipulation of biological systems, including human bodies, through advanced technologies like nanotechnology, biosensors, and medical implants.

Key points include:

  • Integration of Advanced Systems: The text describes how various high-tech systems like H.A.D.E.S., O.S.I.R.I.S. 5G, and Project Maven are interconnected, providing capabilities for enhanced surveillance, targeting, and control.
  • Control Over Biological Systems: It raises concerns about the potential for these technologies to be used to manipulate and control biological systems, including the human body, through means such as medical implant communication systems and manipulation of the human biofield.
  • Deployment and Activation Timeline: The systems mentioned have been in development for years, with significant milestones in 2012 and 2017, leading up to a full operational status in January 2023.
  • Technological and Ethical Implications: The text implicitly questions the ethical implications of such technologies, particularly regarding privacy, autonomy, and the potential for misuse in surveillance and control of individuals.
  • Scientific and Military Developments: It highlights the role of major defense contractors like Lockheed Martin in advancing these technologies, as well as the Department of Defense's policies on autonomous weapon systems, suggesting a significant investment in and focus on integrating advanced technologies into military and surveillance applications.

Overall, the text paints a picture of a future where technology blurs the lines between digital and physical realities, and where advanced systems potentially have the capability to influence or control human behavior and biological functions, raising important questions about ethics, governance, and human rights in the age of digital and biotechnological convergence.


Hades: High Accuracy Detection and Exploitation System -> SIGNAL -> MOSA/SOSA


O.S.I.R.I.S. 5G Systems control the slaughterbots and H.A.D.E.S. Systems.


Project Maven: MOSAIC warfare net centric node access - Order drone update, or order smart grid update or login using 802.15.6 


MQ-9 Reaper Drone Tethered to ground network systems.


Connected to the cloud since 2012 - fully Tested and integrated in 2017, in 2023 the system went completely online January 5, 2023 - they have already changed over to NTS-3...


The body part you wouldn’t let anyone talk about because you were to busy chipping them like dogs using the Medical Implant Communications Systems is using the human aura which is actually called the HUMAN BIOFIELD


Human biofield and intention detection: individual differences :



Conclusions: The findings support claims of energy healers that biofield awareness can be modulated both bioelectromagnetically (locally) and via conscious intent (distally), and that individual differences in biofield awareness are related to self-awareness and sensitivity to others.


After Directive 3000.09 update, DOD stays quiet on lethal autonomous weapon systems which has been activated since 2012..  



On August 31, Bethesda, MD-based Lockheed Martin announced that it delivered the final Phase 1 Initial Prototype 5G testbed variant for the Open Systems Interoperable and Reconfigurable Infrastructure Solution (OSIRIS) to the Marine Corps program management team aboard Marine Corps (USMC) Base Camp Pendleton, California, and will begin mobile network experimentation. OSIRIS is a 5G communications network infrastructure testbed for expeditionary operations experimentation for the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering’s (OUSD R&E) Future  5G Office and the USMC that was awarded to Lockheed Martin in 2021.




we can use Combinatorial Synthesis Libraries which are DNA data base libraries to hold your dna stay and encode using EEG encoding by holding DESPS and making a change with optogenetics, biophysics, optical tweezers and pressures using air molecules around your head and body. 




Their playing with bio-molecular networks and computer cybersecurity.

They are really playing us like the video games "The Sims" = YES....


You do realize it’s not your neighbor’s job, your mother or fathers’ job to tell you, you should probably start reading or talking to people who are reading so you can get actually informed before you get blown to pieces by a drone...

If you don’t know how the drones hunts you, how are you going to stop it?


EIDSS ⤵️🧮⤴️ DORIS - Digital Open Rule Integrated cause of death Selection tool. DORIS is a software developed to facilitate the automated selection of the underlying cause of death.

IOW, ai is writing death certs now. i am frankly surprised they didn’t have this ready for covid. anyway….


10 July 2023

The release candidate of DORIS tool is here! DORIS is a software developed to facilitate the automated selection of the underlying cause of death. This tool examines the information provided on the death certificates and assists in selecting the underlying cause of death following the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) mortality rules that have been fully digitalized.


Departmental news WHO Classifications and Terminologies Unit Announcing the Release Candidate of DORIS tool https://www.who.int/news/item/10-07-2023-announcing-the-release-candidate-of-doris-tool



CNA Security 640-554 official cert guide (Keith Barker Scott Morris)


CCNA Security 210-260 Official Cert Guide (Omar Santos, John Stuppi)


Computer Networking: The Complete Beginner's Guide


Psienergy PDF : (https://www.slideshare.net/slideshows/exploring-biophotons-and-bioelectromagnetics-in-the-human-biofield-and-secret-access-projects-to-access-the-human-biofield/266078851)


Intra body nano network:



Human Interaction, Emerging Technologies and Future Systems V :



DOD Harnessing Emerging Tech to Maintain Enduring Advantage:



Towards Brain-Computer Interfaces for Drone Swarm Control:



Radar-Based Non-Contact Continuous Identity Authentication:



Cognitive Technology Threat Warning System: 



“Liquid” machine-learning system adapts to changing conditions:




Speaker 1  0:01  
Some bout to go back out and walk the dog and go to the rumble dad's channel. Mike my suspicions are confirmed. Hey, you're Dr. Anna got her mains wireless sensor network paper for me. She Ben in my email months. You're Dr. David Nixon is going to get cussed out and told your electron microscope pain is big as Dr. Robert Young's you know what? They're not going to tell you and they haven't how they get it in yet. Which is why you're wrong. She won't admit it's a bio weapon. What about all those patents? Let me tell you something rumbled dad explained in rumble Dad, if you pull this video, this one right here. I would ask that you offer your explanation of why when you go patent patent patent. Okay, where's the product market share and development, additional criteria.


I don't know, different ways to use whatever the patent patent is for. Welcome back to critical thought and common sense. I ain't controlled by no one. And I could get all offended about that and cuss you out. But I'd rather educate you on why you're wrong. So that you can get the fuck over it and we can elevate the discussion and get moving. Okay. So on the premise, Dr. David Nixon and Dr. Anna, who I like them, I like Dr. David Nixon's work. I like Dr. Anna's work. You know what I don't like? Because those two at least are coming at it from the right angle. There it is. It's under the I can see it. It's synthetic biology. Yeah. But there's a patent for the bio weapon. How is it deployed?


Go to your patent for your bio weapon, you mean the pathogen? How is it deployed? That's only one part of the line of deployment. We have something called biomedical telemetry in which we select it from a database, then we have to compare your face to your DG ID. And then we have to deploy your pattern over the signal transduction into your body. Can you tell me how biosensors? What is that? Well, it's the biomedical telemetry for the healing system we use with your little wrist apps for your Fitbit and or ambam, telehealth and everything. Then why did you tell people that you had all these patents for a bio weapon, but you didn't actually tell them? It was electronic integrated disease surveillance system? With your pathogens at the DOD? That is a fucking database away from their face? You told them it's a bio weapon, and they said what is you said that bad and bad? And and they went? Oh my God, what do I do? Oh, take this drug. buy that product. Oh, vote for that guy. Oh, Sue Pfizer.


Unknown Speaker  3:13  
Like normal. She's a psychological operation. Okay. All right, hang on, hang on. It's time to upgrade.


Unknown Speaker  3:33  
I'll finish Hang on.


Speaker 1  3:42  

I know it's close by I'm bringing out the clear pie whiteboard, hey, if he can do it, I can do it. Okay. But for this trip around just using my traditional markers. The bio weapon is the pathogen that is assigned to you from their database. And in order for them to send that signal into your body, they're using bio sensors have tons of canes, I mean, there's like so many of them, they operate off of all sorts of stuff. So three things we need to keep in mind. Number one, if you're going to tell people about patterns, you need to tell them where in the telemetry of aiming a satellite signal hitting another grid. You know, like the greater the cable company, the grid of your cell phone, company and provider. These are different networks, cable companies run an underground fiber and all that kind of stuff. But if it hits your cable head end, well then it might have to go over this cell phone towers. And if that happens, we route the signal differently.


Oh, but the biosensors are inside of you. Yeah Dana vaccine. If It requires graphing and health care. So the biosensors are for a lot of stuff, water, soil, respiratory, good things, you know your Fitbit not a bio weapon. The bio weapon is the pathogen and the packs DoD electronic integrated Disease Surveillance System CDC controlled on a button press with the D O E database. So as long as I don't tell you, whoever you are, how I get it in your skin? Well, when you go to actually reject the fucking signal don't work. Because I left out everything here in the actual biosensor mitigation, you don't need to be a hacker gotta be able to feel your own skin. And so the biosensors are inside of you made out of your own blood, bone and tissue and they run on networks that are not accessible to people taking pictures of audio and video on the outside of you by design. Why it cybersecurity through human tissue with a signal that runs a bio electromagnetic algorithm and last time I checked algorithms are not being picked up on by you idiots using a video camera unless you admit to the wireless sensor networks running around people in circles.


And those wireless sensor networks are going to connect to your nano intracellular networks. Internet of nano bio things. Now, your Digi ID is your feature values, that's kind of what we need to aim and fire with that pathogen and change. We could be making a change for something good. Like I don't know, kidney stones, ultrasound, who knows. But we still have to make changes to your the pressure of yours actual vasculature, the blood flow then we have to make sure that we're not pushing and pulling too hard on your bladder and your heart and the different pressure in your neck. Then the heterodyne is going to pull real fucking hard on the top of your head and bounce signal between that and your feet. This is for actual you know six g muscle electricity laparoscopic type but correct, including you can watch it on the that well no, you can't. Shit.


I have plenty of MDPI for that one, but haven't got a YouTube video come back to you. So the point is that the biosensors are what they're using for all their different Tech with a quantum technology, Bitcoin blockchain, peer to peer all sorts of stuff. And wireless sensor networks are in use on the Department of Defense casualty care at the DOD. HDIAC onto YouTube. So those of you out there who are a patriot, she's not no, you're fucking stupid, because you've been hanging around with people who said patent patent and you went, they have the answer. And then you just sat there. Tell me how it works? How are they getting that electrical signal into my body? Because there ain't no drug and there ain't nobody come in to adjust your frequencies when you can't even identify the body part or body parts affected by such frequencies?


No, it's like this every time. So we use electrical signals through the computer system known as wireless the same wireless as your phone and no, I'm kidding. Eight Oh 2.15 Working Group eight oh 2.1 5.6 Wireless Body Area Network and the radiofrequency coming and going on the outside is also seen by the audiovisual people, but they're not watching the intracellular nano networks. Why? Because of the encryption. Have you ever heard of encryption? You ever heard of cybersecurity before? Okay, in order to actually have security Think it through. If we give everybody the same level and the same ability of access? Where's your security? You don't have any. So the intracellular networks and the biosensors have different levels of security for n i s t you tell me you don't know who that is right there. sounded out together the National Institute of Science and Technology This is 2007 this is in the synergy tech metric P D F and it says bio photonics meaning that we're using light optogenetics virtual light communication, biological networks. What are those?


Okay, so this is cyber security. Here's a striker and a drone autonomous Pentagon direct to 3,000.09. She's sending a signal and it is encrypted in something called M L machine learning. And that is why you're not cracking it with your radiofrequency bullshitting on the inside and the intracellular nano networks do the packet disposition, the parity checks and a whole A lot of other anchor terahertz things that have been in place since the 80s. We guys don't talk about them. I'm gonna quote Tori here. None of you know how to code on the molecular level. I'm gonna guess somebody was designing that for security too. But you know, vendors been busy over the summer, so who knows? will fuck with me anymore with this. I don't belong to you. You don't fucking pay me. My disability got cut in half at the beginning of last year. I'm still doing this for the people out there that I appreciate. And I'm not going to tolerate any more good people, which Hey, that person right there claims. Oh my god, okay. Because I disagree with what your fucking doctors did to fuck up your brain. Did you know you're tethered to the cloud?


The bio weapon is the pathogen bio weapon database run by our D isn Google fingers for the Global Information grid? That's the hardware it uses in order to do it. It does. So no, biosensors are not a fire weapon. Adam inside everybody. It's a job. And I don't want good people doing jobs to be assaulted by ignorant mega or some other derivative of who? I love Karen. Oh, God. Could you get your mind right? Please? She could have told you at any time she didn't. She's not the only one. That's why I call her Betty Boop to try to draw less fire. Believe it or not. When you learn. She told you about the patent. That the corona effect that's for all your cells structure for medical body area networks for total health.


Unknown Speaker  11:35  
In other words, if we're going to open cells to heal your liver, give cancer take it away. We're going to do the same thing if we fire a signal.

Speaker 1  11:43  

And are you are you upset about that? Because what what I can tell a bunch of people are all sorts of excited for bio hub, bio hacking biophysics biomedical opportunity to heal. Now you're gonna tell them they're using a bio weapon with their terahertz healing wand. That's how stupid you sound. Knock it off. When you only tell people about the patent. That's only one component of a system. You need to tell them how we're putting it in your body. Let me show you one more time. It's not a vaccine if it requires scrapping we like pictures remember hang on graphing health care graphene based sensors in health my nit tour ring computer networks with different bio sensor acuity bio sensing and we have more than one type of biosensor due to the fact that we have to watch multiple networks amazing Polly style, because that's the math that's how it works.


So we have your body full of biosensors either 2.15 point for your body itself. connected with other devices potentially an overlay is eight oh 2.1 5.6 so that we can separate you from individual buddies and flying all around your head the little wireless sensor nano networks that are the air molecules weaponized with metals and magnetism and all that stuff. Okay, and we use biosensors for soil, water, agriculture, all sorts of things. Additionally, Pentagon directive went with the artificial intelligence symposium at the DOD, Secretary of Defense Mark Esper was present and in the transcript you will see smart sensing in other words, command and control uses sensors in order to defend our country


Speaker 1  13:46  
that's why biosensors are not a bio weapon. Read it. Learn or cry and your co Intel Cheerios. Sensors open systems architecture


Unknown Speaker  13:59  
not a bioweapon. An industry now you want to talk about the biomedical telemetry. You got ready yet? It's 2012 I'm ready my channels ready


Speaker 1  14:18  
no more of this truth or patriot? You think you fucking know who's paid who's not who cares? No more hand wringing over Illuminati. dickheads no more hand signs no more lion. Have enough. Tell him the truth about human physiology on a button press with electronic integrated disease surveillance system COVID W ban Google fingers. In any buddy I got a patent. Yeah.


Okay. Where is it deployed and what systems what computer networks? Hey, what human body communication cyberphysical intra body nano routing networks is it using or not. And since I gotta right in front of me, can we talk about quantum networks in the fog on the edge layer with the wireless sensor networks eight oh 2.1 5.5 Getting all uppity with the Lego bricks, you know, the air gets thick, then it gets lesser and you know, we got snow coming down to longer and flakes but in stakes and, you know, just be nice to just kind of puts your mind at ease, like, oh, you control the weather.


And some little motherfucker who's clicking must have done it wrong. Oops. Okay. And then your patent is really old. And it's important that people who are using pacemakers, glucose, because see, you're not all you're lying. People don't understand that their glucose and their pacemakers are on separate more secure cybersecurity networks with Cisco in the hospitals and even for your blockchain, different protocols distributed ledger in order to keep you safe.


Or you could look at it negatively and be like they're just trying to keep us well, yeah, but it's still a hierarchy of security. So you're IEEE biomedical engineers who are your new telehealth for your agenda 2030 already done in your ubiquitously cognitive C 40. Cities on cognitive body area networks using Oh ran because we're using optogenetic networks with the National Science Foundation for 20 years now. Right so again, they're using a higher level security and networks with the biosensors which is why I don't want people calling biosensors of bio weapon because anybody who's out there authentically trying not to bring harm will end up in the same fire of civil war and get the torches and pitchforks things to go Intel and comments like this. Clean it up. critical thought common sense.


And you wanted to discuss a patent, want to discuss the kill box that would have helped you to? How do we get you in this box? Where does it route? What is it use your Digi ID, which is a real time copy of you and me anywhere in the world? And you'll scream again? Tell me No. And that she told you if she told you you'd already know know this. And if you didn't know all of it, you'd at least know the following your ass is connected to the cloud somebody be pushing a button on a pathogen that then expands inside of you dependent on who entered a change into your feature values that in and maybe that comes with your digital ID which is active since 2009. And basic bitch cybersecurity thanks Ukraine and it electronic integrated disease surveillance system. And when amazing Polly came out and she said this is how we did read Rwanda.


All I did was copy the math and then select salaam came out and said spell caster and Geomancer and I'm like yeah, that's just databases with Python wrote down the vector coordinates. Then we order our drone scan and you can find and verify everything in order here. Not by the details you have to look those up with Geomancer and spellcaster. But the details of the how agile PUK code with United States Army knows Air Force Smart Sensor MT nine tethered to ground that near sh e radar it's an upgrade to the A dash nine Varun vivir Pathfinder project is project Maven. I'm gonna show you that last to just warn the sheriff's department's about this agile pot conduit on the Reaper that's also your Kubernetes and cafcass containers for quick distribution with pig an SQL hive and to enable autonomous sensing we've autonomous weapons statement 3,000.09. I'm not talking fast to try to lose you, folks.


You got to understand that your people lied to you because they're protecting a 70 year old system and you got to stop and fix your brain. The biosensors are not the bio weapon the pathogen databases and who is in charge of that Space Force Department of Energy and drone gangs and everybody in the spy states cuckoo sandbox fighting amongst themselves because this technology to log into your body with these biosensors is handed out to the most horrible people on cell phones. That was stupid, but that's what they decided to do. Okay, project or minnows project Maven anywhere on the internet like finding k factor said if it's connected to the internet it's already compromised. That is correct. So anywhere on the internet that you are by your internet service provider satellite, a unidentified aerial drone man that variants with Osa and Mosa Wi Fi LIDAR Synchron Syncron is your internal brain stuff you know real time operating system on a chip in the left hemisphere for your I T SEC Black Swan crap.


The real super soldiers infrared wireless sensor networks brand brain personal area network Mac IDs Mac ID so the physical layer with the bio electronic bio electronic no bio electro magnetic algorithm that they can change mathematically peer to peer again with Nano peer to peer only meaning from the inside of the body outside without having to get caught by the RF and then your WSN your IEEE biophotonics DNA databases answer to something called Bioconductor. You'll find that with the CDC with their electronic integrated disease surveillance system, Project, Project Maven is mosaic warfare netcentric node access. So you can order a drone update or order a smart grid update or log into that body part with a, what they were talking about at the joint artificial intelligence symposium, which is data labeling services and data curation with partners and services readily available at the Department of Defense.


And we'll have a game changer neural prototype and about a year writing on that asset of the Jake and the Jedi. But actually, Amazon got the contract instead of Microsoft. And we need a digital nervous system end to end and we'd redo it the DOD to connect all the platforms to get the humans out of the process and into the reasoning to enable the commander directly with a digital nervous system from commander to ground, which is exactly what I found in two places. Number one, one more time we're in information, surveillance and reconnaissance not Hee ha. So I'd really appreciate it if those of you who consider yourself American patriots GET THE FUCK educated caught up place. Number two, this Osiris program is your new 5g Smart derivative, that's your Smart City fog flare, Edge flare, electro fog all of it anytime, anywhere affect air molecules plasmonics ready to go. That's also your slaughter bots. So stop fucking with your brain.


Here's your drone. With notes I just read you from the AI symposium Secretary of Defense Mark Esper standing there. And that's because by machine learning what you cannot decrypt due to the net zero policy of the Pentagon. I'm gonna fire this signal thruster, right Open Shortest Path First through you, your bone and tissue to engage the pathogen to affect the environment around you. Original Tsushima wars Russia and China automated on a database 4353 We'd go 500,000 different ways to kill you give it a fucking problem. Page two synergy Tag Manager PDF here's some of the remotes they have. But listen, the emergence of new technologies to incorporate and analyze data with high performance computing has expanded our capability to accurately predict any incident supervised machine learning can be utilized for a fast and consistent prediction.


And to obtain the underlying pattern of the data better, we develop a prediction strategy for the first time using machine learning in air molecules with deep underground IBM Erlang. And in 60, has been running since 2011. And cyber secure a team along with the right dasion and all the rest here. We give you a few random forests begging J 48. Decision Bayes net K nearest neighbor, you see these, those are bio electromagnetic machine learning you ain't the crack in it into it, the quantum encryption running around on this, they're still fighting over how their RSA cipher block doing it and your crypto logic journals. So project Maven apps lately will fire an electronic signal to your bio sensors around you and you are on you, and effect to change for cognitive threat warfare Technology.


Dr. Deodato and all of them are but BARDA since 2007 Think you can tell people about the biomedical telemetry because when I do this, all they can do like this is whine and complain and pretend that I'm some sort of plant, it'd be really helpful because if people knew your ass is on the cloud, somebody can log into you no different than logging into a computer. And that's how they're doing telehealth bioelectronics and all the rest. Which is why I keep yelling at people stop telling them Pat and Pat and Pat and quantum dot and tell them their house is now a Kill Box. We use their body for computer data and cybersecurity three tiers of it at least if the four is currently what we've got going on. And everything you see in these boxes. These are for machine learning, we're able to do wirelessly remotely and electronically


Did you hear the dog bark? I hope he did. Because he's waiting on me to do this for people like you who do not read. And I'm done. You can read and you're not going to be over here making trouble on the rumble dad's channel acting like an ass. Nobody reads said Tory, then me and the hillbilly heart today.


Here's your 2012 Eg has left the hospital to affect all those all those air molecules they're playing with with pathogen databases. Here's the cybersecurity on the other side of your new graphene healthcare again, synergy tech metric PDF is free. So if it's good enough for cybersecurity, why wasn't it good enough for anybody else to admit since 1995 that this is what we're doing.


The pathogens are bio weapons. Those are databases who is executing them. Well, have you ever heard of hacking before? You ever heard about like it? No Brain hacking before? Yeah, it would have been nice if someone told you, you should go to the YouTube. And check out these people.


They start their coffee pot with their mind six, seven years ago with brain computer interface. And you should probably try reading some neurological journals. You don't have to actually read them read them. But you need to actually admit, we have brain computer interface in a lot of different ways. We mean, China's been using it with business, IBM uses it with business here in the States commercially.


So patriots and truthers and everybody else. Stop bullshitting each other and pretending you're a spy, start learning about this, so that we can engage intellectual dialogue as a group of people who had no idea that our butts were connected to the cloud for a pentagon directive that's been deployed since 2012. Tested since 2017. And as of January 25 2023, fully robustly deployed, and they've already changed over and NTS dash three, I just mentioned it the other day.


The biosensors are not a bio weapon, the pathogen database is the bio weapon controlled by electronic integrated disease control for this pentagon directive. What is the biomedical telemetry, a body part you wouldn't let anybody talk about because you were busy shipping humans like dogs, and our ODNI told everybody in March 2023, I don't know what you're talking about. So your medical implant communication system, along with all of them, is using the human aura, which is actually called the human bio field on the National Institute of Health. And that's where all of this as far as my part of it, it's a human chunk of anatomy that you are logging into, and you're playing with each other through human bodies and DNA sequencing, while you tell everyone get your 15 Minute box, the world is ending.


Yeah. And we're going to take away all your belongings, your car keys, and you'll be able to travel but only from your vi VR goggles from your couch. And some of the rest of us over here, we're going to take over the rest of the world and do whatever we want. Nothing's. So it would be better if we could just get this intellectual dialogue going. And forget the past. I don't want to hear about anymore all this garbage that you think you know, whatever. I want you to focus here, who is allowed to know about this human anatomy that everyone has? And why are they the only ones allowed to know?


And why do people do what you're doing right now and distract themselves with things they can't know? Rather than the following come on. Where did I put you? I tried to keep those college textbooks like right next to me. So somebody out there show them the college textbook of insanity because that's all you can't know. For sure. Is 107 a plan to buy a plant or whatever. 


And I want to know, what is emergent technology on the Wikipedia. Pause, come back. Okay. Does that say human computer interaction? Yep. Okay. You should already have the free PDF or the college textbook or be able to look this up on your own. What does that say? Okay, now, if you were spending your time right there, that would be enough for you to then watch a bunch of other things I've done or that other people are trying to tell you and go Oh, holy shit. That's cybersecurity. Yep. Software Defined Networking. 2013. Okay. Now this this is what we call provable facts. This is what we call research. And this is what we call industriousness to try to save my fellow man from themselves.


So I want you to go prove to me right now that I'm some sort of copyist plant or that Karen Kingston is or 107 or, or, or, and then I want to see your security clearances come across wide open. Like I did with mine, I don't have any. I'm the test subjects survivor that's rather pissed off, because this is horrible. Like what you're doing right now wasting time. So see what I just did with that. I just brought you a ton of education, but I told you where to look, offered the PDF, but you know, it's okay. It's okay.


That I wrote that PDF by compiling papers not handwriting, a narrative. So that's all you're going to find. And then you're going to understand these are real books too. Yeah. And that way when you are done, you will now be educated and not think you'd be like, Oh my God, that's drone warfare. Yeah. And tell me how the biomedical Telemetry is working with that their bio weapon right, so So this is a dual use system that is for medical body area networks and electronic warfare dominating the full electromagnetic spectrum of which our eyes only see this much out of this much. So acting like we're two years old and cannot admit college textbooks and Pentagon directives that had been extant since 2012 is not only immature, but it makes our country look like we're a bunch of fucking retarded two year olds, and I'm done with it. How about you? Okay. industry, health care, cognitive threat warfare technology since 2007 out there. October 4, and seven tests for body area networks. have put the phone in a Faraday cage. Who cares?


We weren't looking for your phone we're looking for you won't be at home. We don't care. We bounce the signal from your home anyways as you kill bucks. So the biosensors are not a bio weapon. They are part of a fully deployed system in which in closing, we can use combinatorial synthesis libraries which are DNA database libraries to hold your DNA still, and encode using EEG and coding by holding Derbe sis femtosecond your DNA still, and making a change with optogenetics biophysics, optical tweezers and pressure using the wireless sensor networks to air molecules around your head. And this is all the same biosensors that you're again, they're not a bio weapon.


They're used for all sorts of metrics all day long. track and trace is only one of them. Google fingers. Okay, so we've got our cytotoxic agents modified Palio nucleotides which is totally different than what I just showed you. And this is why the biosensors are so varied and different as well. Some of them are luciferase dependent. Some of them are cesium dependent. Some of them are coming in SM one or two in the Corti steps fungus because yeast can power certain bioluminescent optogenetic biosensors. There's like 20 of them as just getting started then they break out and sugar and DNA changes and biochemical changes that other people have access to that other security clearances don't. You're playing with biomolecular networks and computer cybersecurity with somebody fucking please jump the shark they're really playing us like that video game The Sims Yes.

Not going to scare you with metamaterials today okay, we'll just wait brain imaging libraries like Bill our good friend Bill use DNA CRISPR cast nine which you all admit to how right neural modulation and radio module and that radio modulation for now. But neural modulation conferences for our doctors and nurses with their same medical body or network access with those same biosensors and then they get to make the changes now again, you have doctors and nurses law enforcement, different types of cybersecurity and assholes.

So I mean, who knows that your butt is attached to the cloud for the same systems you're using with augmented reality and all your haptic your in persona as it is for transcriptomes proteomics, brain connectomes and the neuronal loop is closed and machine learning. This is La Quinta look, alumna I highly recommend their presentations. In the 1980s we already had quantum computing companies working with our wireless, the ITU and the UN and all everything from there down.

That's why we're always referencing the I triple fuck you II. Now the non invasive neuron exchange began way back here in the 90s. But by 2005 biosensors are commercial. We've had neuron colon neuron. That's way more intimate. There's a link on my channel today, you should probably go read it. And brain brain. You didn't realize it's not on your it's not your neighbor's job, your mommy's job or your daddy's to tell you that you should probably start reading or talking to people who are reading so that you can get actually informed before you get blown to pieces by a drone.

If you don't know how the drone hunts your bone, who is what do you learn? Okay, well that how are you going to stop it? Right? So you're not going to find that out in the football game. And you're not going to find that out with somebody just going Pat and Pat and Pat and Pat and Pat and that would be the same thing if I showed up here every day and which what not okay, what they do is they talk around it and they make themselves sound smart. And they'll do that and intersperse it in dialogue on a timed sequence that you're used to. That's why I never come up here and go. Hello, good morning.

My name is Sabrina Wallace. I'm here today to teach you about because your brain immediately goes into that is the internet of behaviors and we run that network to with the smart dust and the magnetism of your DNA structured right there and your Kill Box On the Global Information grid, so it'd be akin to mean going, college textbook, college textbook college textbook. This is not the emergent transhumanism technology they're learning. This is not the emerging technology that they're making tons of money off of. No doctor went to this conference, absolutely not in 2021, there is no lethal autonomous weapon statement, you won't be able to run. Do your own due diligence to save your own posterior. Get out of fear as that vibration is inferior. When we already know, reality, how it's done, then we can relax nothing new under the sun. Now what do we do? Not? Is it gonna live without it? Who's warzones against us? Oh my god.

Do you have a community? Do you have people local to you that can actually authentically help you learn how to make clean water, assess your environment, make sure you've got dry clothing, know what to look for in the first three days of any sort of EMP or emergency situation and how to run or not run from a fire NATO, as in some of us on the channel are proficient at watching flight radar, and we watched touch sense. So we know from the radar like you can watch these are going in blocks, they practice weather warfare to strip the planet a certain resources, move it around, and the WHO to win grab. Yeah, but if you want to watch that on the radar to know whether or not you have to actually bug out with a lot of equipment, or you can make it out which after what they did to people in Maui, you better be figuring it out because no one's gonna tell you. But your weirdo friends what you call them weird. I call them smart. Over here on the channel.

They've been watching Dutch sense and flight radar. I mean, I know I have for six years. So we can see the patterning and your fire NATO and your weather warfare has patterns to it because you're using chaff in the atmosphere among other things. So we just watch this is what I mean by aggregate us as a community of I just like to live I know that you're going to do it. I'm not trying to stop anybody I just want to live and for that we need intellectual dialogue and an informed citizenry at some level and you guys couldn't get it done because you're building feeder grids. I don't drive narratives that's why to a lot of you you're terrified of me. And you should be because if you lie for if you're your idols lie you know you guys treat these truth or people who've been propped up they're like little stage puppets worse than fucking Katy Perry on American Idol swear. I'm gonna pray now.

So for the rest of you just all right. Seriously, dude, I hope that you put that Patton thing you're our thoughts we were talking about please put it on here. paternoster cleocin chailey scientifica tour no Mintu mud venia Regnum tuum Fiat voluntas to a C kuten J Lo et tentera pantum nos through qotd Noon Donnelly's hoodie adamantane o v Stover to nostra secret at no cost and minimalistic inventory who snows threes at Nino's into class and 10 Tatianna satellite Vera? No samalla you know, we should do a buddy system.

For every single one of you, that's really fucked up with a que targeted deaths, the Illuminati stuff, whatever, you need to go find a synergist that like you can connect to, and they'll help you did they might even have a printout of their own signs and stuff and then they can show you online where to look. And I'm telling you, you're not that stupid. They were just manipulating like, you know, red string there. They're biding time based on operations that we're not involved in. Okay, amen. Everyone, Mark 536. And I just tried to help these people, okay, because remember, we don't, we're in this really weird moment. We're in its transition. And there are a lot of people that it's small window here. They're not going to be in transition for long. So let's take advantage of it. Firm, loving, kind action is still firm. We don't need to be derogatory. Okay. Amen.