
A Multilingual Call Center Gives Wings to Your Dreams

Summary – When an entrepreneur thinks about the Spa and Salon industry, customer orientation comes to mind as the main driver on the road to profitability. A multilingual call center is a ship that can cross the ocean of complexity you face in running this business. If you have proper appointment scheduling in your spas and salons, your chances of success will increase, and if it happens to be an outsourced customer service center where the customer can communicate in their native language, this increase can increase manifold.



If you are in the service industry and happen to own a Spa and Salon business, you must have thought about the importance of front desk operations. How is it a tool for making your business profitable? In this blog post, we will look at the components of the profitability matrix for a spa/salon operation and how outsourced customer service support plays a key role in achieving these indicators. A similar role is played by appointment scheduling services in spas and salons, which specialize in scheduling and rescheduling appointments for visitors. These outsourced services may be multilingual, for example a multilingual call center may offer customer support in native French and Arabic in addition to English. They can be set up at a fraction of the cost of deploying a call center and can be easily scaled up and down.


The first impact that a professionally managed reception creates is to increase the credibility of your brand in the eyes of your customers. Outsourcing customer service support provides the critical, human-centered approach a good sales cycle needs to ensure conversions. Just consider these numbers: Surveys around the world reveal that 80 percent of customers prefer interacting with a human over an automated chatbot or other computer program to solve their queries. If a service sector brand such as a Spa or Salon offers these services in their native language, 70 percent favor that brand. In the European region, this pattern of behavior is more visible and this is where the language-specific support center comes into play. For example, multilingual call centers significantly increase brand reach and further strengthen brand loyalty.



A customer visiting a spa and salon while scheduling an appointment is quite happy when spa and salon appointment scheduling services are offered in a language familiar to their ears. Even the angriest of them eventually become more accommodating. The sales cycle in the area of ​​up-selling and cross-selling is significantly shortened while maintaining high conversion rates, and handling customer complaints takes much less time than they are amicably and ingeniously resolved. The spa and salon industry has a very strong future.


Let's look at the size of the industry we are discussing here. The industry is currently worth nearly $202 billion and is poised to see a compound annual growth rate of 7.4 percent over the next few years. According to Fortune business insight, by 2029 the Spa and Salon Industry will reach an ambitious mark of USD 355.45 billion. Hair care remains the largest segment of the industry and the number of new barbershops and salons is increasing rapidly. Mobile and social salons are seeing the biggest rise and interestingly, regional expansions in this industry are now outpacing the global average. Just imagine if a brand has multilingual call centers available to take advantage of this opportunity, what the growth potential could be.



A fortnight ago, Mukesh Ambani, the Indian-origin global businessman who dominates the world's top ten richest categories, announced his group's foray into the Spa and Salon industry. This was achieved by acquiring a 49 percent stake in the South Asian Spa and Salon chain. You don't need a stronger indication of the industry's growth potential. You can compare this development with the fact that only a few years ago his group entered the telecommunications arena, and today his company is among the world's largest telecommunications service providers, with giants such as Google and Facebook supporting the company financially and technologically. Experts say this could create a strong headwind for brands to embrace spa and salon appointment scheduling services, which can create additional intangible asset value for their brands.


Europe, followed by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, currently remains the region with the highest business potential. Let's take a deep dive into and appreciate the consumer mindset for these two regions. The purchasing power of these customer groups is high as evidenced by the per capita income in these geographies. They always prefer the quality of service over the relevant price. For them, a visit to a spa or salon means a moment of luxury and self-praise. Therefore, they are well known by brands for their heightened sense of inquiry into the quality of services provided. On the other hand, they love their native language. 90 percent of French residents are more likely to conduct their business discussions in France, and this figure is nearly one percent for residents of Saudi Arabia. It is a no-brainer for brands to adopt multilingual call centers to support growth.



If you are a spa or salon owner looking to expand in these geographies, you will find trends that are similar in nature. Customers from France and Saudi Arabia are more likely to contact the front desk of your establishments in person and require reservations.  Spa and Salon appointment scheduling services planning can boost your growth trajectory. You can expect more calls and lengthy relationships before they decide. The good news is that both groups of clients value luxury over price, and once they begin to trust your brand for the quality of service provided, they will easily turn into loyal, long-term patrons. This is where the benefit of a multilingual third-party call center coupled with Outsourcing Customer Service Support comes in, as this added dimension to your business operation ensures the 24/7 availability of native language customer support. Your customers are reached at any time of the day and the cost impact is negligible compared to the revenue stream being created.