
What are the common problems in the operation of post-inclusive kindergartens?

The implementation of the inclusion policy and the promulgation鄭丁港 of the implementing regulations of the Citizens' Promotion Law mark the second half of the development of the preschool education industry. A review of the management of private early childhood education helps us to see the way forward.

Top-level design

1. Misunderstanding of property rights of non-profit kindergartens,鄭丁港indistinguishable between personal property and corporate property, and treating kindergarten property as personal property.

2. Top-level governance is backward, and sole proprietorship is easily 鄭丁港reduced to a "husband-and-wife store" or "family business", relying on human rule and emotion to maintain the operation of kindergartens.

3. In the case of partnership, the equity distribution system is unreasonable and the management philosophy is different, making it easy to have internal strife.

Operation of kindergartens

1. Emphasis on efficiency, not on education.

2. Single business model and limited income channels.

3. limited revenue, rising costs and declining profits.

4. Low awareness of the ability to create enterprise value and charging indiscriminately to generate revenue.

5. Making money from food fees by creating internal food labels.

Lower teacher salaries and higher teacher-student ratios are important tools to save money and reduce labor costs.

7. Not having the ability to bargain and purchasing low quality and low priced goods in order to reduce the cost of running the school administration.

8. the frog in the well is a person who does not leave his feet and builds cars after closing the door.

9. The innovation ability is weak, blindly following the trend and seriously copying each other.

10. The development of the park relies on relations, the operation of the park relies on resources, and it is difficult for the park to transform to brand, operation and innovation.

Management model

1. The trust and responsibilities between investors and the park director are divided. Investors do not trust the park director or do not know how to authorize themselves, often by intervening in the management of the enterprise, and are prone to disputes with the park director affecting the working environment.

2. Hardware is high, software technology can not keep up, education has no connotation, cultural development and construction capacity is insufficient.

3. No awareness of intellectual property protection, do not know the registered trademark. Understand the trade name as a trademark, or directly use the trademark of a well-known school / company without knowing the infringement.

Four. Weak brand awareness and capability, not putting brand management first and pulling away from the park/competitor.

5. Management level is driven by enrollment, enrollment every day, teachers are too tired to cope with it, it is impossible to concentrate on education.

6. Practitioners have low education, lack of systematic professional training and vocational training, lack of talented people, high mobility, it is difficult to accumulate educational experience and improve the level of education.

7. The managers themselves have a low level of quality, or even do not have the qualifications to serve, and their management and development concepts are lagging behind, and their management skills are not strong enough to effectively respond to the new situation after the inclusive education.

8. The management system of kindergartens is generally a "director responsibility system", in which investors are responsible for the directors, and the kindergartens are internally "managed by people", lacking democracy and effective supervision.

9. The existing management system and model of kindergartens cannot meet the needs of the new situation. The rule of man, family management, "people" management rather than "system" management, coupled with the rigidity of the salary system, seriously restrict the teachers' motivation.

10. not enough attention to teachers' spare time growth and retreats, investors are reluctant to spend money on teacher training and internal and external exchanges, making it difficult for teachers to obtain professional development and not realize their self-worth.

11. The class size is too large after the universal benefit, the management capacity is weak, the teachers are not enough, and there are more potential safety risks.

12. The financial management is chaotic, and there is no professional  "accounting ". Often public accounts and private accounts are not separated, with the left pocket in and the right pocket out.

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