
Why Choose Naturally Extracted Tobacco E-Juice?

Naturally extracted tobacco isn’t a new vape term. However, it is one that often gets people confused. You will often see it on the website or on the side of e-juice bottles in the abbreviated form of NET or N.E.T.


If you enjoy tobacco e juice, it is important to understand the difference between an e-juice containing NET and one that doesn’t have it.


The best manufacturers use naturally extracted tobacco in their vape juice supplies. There are only a small number of e-juice manufacturers to use NET since they believe it is the only way to produce authentic e-juices.




What Is Natural Extracted Tobacco?

The term natural extracted tobacco refers to the process used to isolate tobacco flavor from tobacco leaf. 

Several months are used to achieve this and the right manufacturer use proper procedure called as proprietary cold maceration.


The cold maceration technique is the most expensive and slowest methods available, but it gives best results.

Now, the flavors achieved through the process are closest to original tobacco essence with delicate nuances of each tobacco variety being preserved carefully.


The more popular alternative uses heat for extracting tobacco flavor. This is a quicker and low cost method but the introduction of heat means that the subtle undertones in the flavor profile are completely lost.


Cold maceration is used to produce some wine varieties, with Burgundy being the most popular. According to expert wine makers, this process creates more vibrant and deep flavor in the final product.


While using cold maceration extraction, it is essential only to select mature tobacco leaves from the plant. The mature leaves produce perfect, fuller tobacco flavor that you look for in tobacco e-juice supplies.


What Alternatives Are There For Natural Extracted Tobacco?

Creating tobacco e-juices with naturally extracted tobacco that is obtained from cold maceration is low and labor intensive task. This is the reason why most manufacturers use alternative methods for tobacco flavors in their e-juice.


As mentioned above, maceration process that uses heat produces natural extracted tobacco. It is both cheaper and quick, but the final flavors aren’t refined as those products using cold technique.


When vaping, you may notice some bitterness that taints the flavor and can ruin the vape juice. However, the most popular method is to use synthetic tobacco flavors.


Artificial flavoring is used in several e-juices, as they offer low cost, simple solution for vape juice supplies providers.

While these artificial flavorings may come quite close to the original one, they don’t really capture the main essence and miss those subtle nuances that any natural flavorings provide.


Why Choose Naturally Extracted Tobacco Vape Juices?

People choose their e-juice for different reasons. Some people prefer to keep trying new flavors others are focused mainly on price. Lot of vapers choose one juice and stick to it forever.


If you want quality flavor ignoring the price, then tobacco e-juices are for you. These have rich flavorings that you don’t get with artificial flavorings.ejuicesupplies.jpg