
Termite infestation and ways to control them

If termite infestation gives you nightmares, you are not alone.  Termites are known to cause structural damages worth billions of dollars  every year, which keeps property owners on edges. Therefore, it is  essential that you identify and follow effective measures to protect  your property from termites. You can even hire professionals for  prevention measures and treatments of termites in Gold Coast.
Warning signs
Prevention  begins with identifying the warning signs for termites. Most people  aren’t sure if their house has been infested by termites. Swarm or signs  of damage during construction indicate the presence of termites.
How to discover if termites have found shelter in your home?
  • Inspect your home to find exposed wood for hollow spots (use a flathead screwdriver or similar tool to do this)
  • Identify termite swarms and they shouldn’t be confused with ant swarms
Asking  an expert or pest control professional would be a great idea to  discover the presence of termites and the extent of damage, and of  course, their control.
Preventing termite infestation
Do the  arrangements to make the house less appealing to termites. A concrete  foundation will help. Ventilation space between soil and wood is  important. It is also important to cover exposed wood surfaces with a  sealant or metal barrier.
Termite prevention features
The soil around the foundation should be dry. Therefore, proper grading and drainage is crucial.
Openings  that may introduce termites to your property should be closed. It can  be done by filling cracks in cement foundation and other areas where  there’s gap with caulk or cement.
Firewood or other sort of wooden  debris should not be piled near house. If there’s firewood, you should  inspect regularly to check if it is not impacted by termite infestation.
Fixing leaks
There should be no leak to allow moisture to seep through wood. Vents should be free from blockage.
Planting with care
Trees and shrubs should not be planted too close to the structure. Also, they should not grow against exposed walls or surfaces.
Calling a professional
You should immediately called pest control in Gold Coast  if termite infestation becomes visible. They would do proper inspection  of your house and yard to find termite swarms and extent of damage.  They may follow no-chemical or chemical treatments, whatsoever  important, for the treatment and prevention of termite infestation. They  should be called for regular inspection and pest control to ensure  complete safety of your property and loved ones.