Photosynthesis is the process by which plants make their own food. Plants use light, carbon dioxide, and water in this process. So, photosynthesis gives the plant 95% of the food it needs. Plants require oxygen for respiration, just like we do. But for plants to be healthy, they need basic nutrients, extra nutrients, and micronutrients.
Nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) are three of the most important nutrients that come from the soil.
Calcium, magnesium, and sulphur are also essential nutrients, but plants only need a small amount of them in the soil.
Micronutrients are minerals like iron, boron, copper, zinc, molybdenum, and chlorine that plants need in very small amounts. These are very important for plant growth.
The following fertilisers can be used to give plants all of the above nutrients:
- Organic fertilisers:
All organic fertilisers slowly and steadily give off nutrients over time. For a steady supply of nutrients, organic fertilisers must be provided in large quantities, or "bulk." They add more humus to the soil, which keeps the soil moist and improves its overall health and quality.
2.Poop from cows:
In India, it is the most common type of organic fertiliser. Well, instead of fresh cow dung, you should use cow dung that has gone bad. The best cow manure is a black, moist powder. You can buy cow dung online.
- Bio-Compost:
When you compost at home or on a farm, you end up with compost. Either a composter or a compost pit is used. Compost is made from green waste from homes and brown waste from farms.
- Mold on leaves:
It is a type of compost made only from dry leaves that have been broken down by fungi and bacteria. Good humus is made of leaf mould. It is used to root stem cuttings and as a pot mix for orchids and ferns.
- Vermicompost:
It is a type of manure made when earthworms break down organic waste. Vermicompost is a type of manure that is moist, dark, and consistent, and it gives off nutrients slowly and steadily.
- Fertilizers with chemicals:
You can get these in the form of granules, powder, or liquid. Chemical fertilisers are strong and concentrated, so plants only need a small amount of them.
Here are some of the most common types of chemical fertilisers:
Nitrates (The people who make leaves):
There is a lot of nitrogen in these fertilisers. Nitrate helps plants grow more quickly by making them make more and more leaves.
Common Nitrates: Ammonium sulphate, Ammonium chloride, Calcium-ammonium nitrate, Urea. In India, you can buy Multican and Multi-Nitrate online.
- Phosphates (the things that make roots):
There is a lot of phosphorus in these fertilisers. Phosphates help plants make roots and grow them quickly, which helps the plants grow as a whole.
Single super phosphate, basic slag, and rock phosphate are all examples of common phosphates. India is where you can buy the phosphate fertilisers Multipeak and Multibloom online.
- Potash (The people who grow fruit):
There is a lot of potassium in these fertilisers. Potash fertilisers make plants grow more flowers and fruit. When potash is added, there are more fruits and they are of higher quality, taste better, and look better.
The most common types of potash are 60% muriate of potash and 50% sulphate of potash.
- Fertilizers with a mix of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (N:P:K):
These are all three NPK mixed together. So, these things are given to plants as full fertilisers to help their leaves, roots, flowers, and fruits grow better.
Nitrophosphate (20:20:0), Mono Ammonium phosphate (11:18:0), and Diammonium phosphate (21:54:0) are common combinations. Nitrophosphate with potash is called Suphala (15:15:15) or Sampurna (21:54:0). (19:19:19). In India, you can buy the NPK fertilisers Multiphos and Multifeed online.
These are given to plants in smaller amounts to help them grow better. Micronutrients are given to plants if they don't have enough of a certain micronutrient. They are given to plants as a base dose when they are planted or when they are topped off.