Hey! Thanks for joining me on another episode of "Ask Angela", Here we are in august 2020 and the market has been, to say the least, a little bit crazy so we're right in the middle of a pandemic, and of course that has caused many changes shifts in the market how we do things within the industry and you know has caused a lot of questions so one of the questions that have arisen is whether or not long island is going to see an influx of buyers due to the current market or better yet due to what is going on in our environment and that's a fantastic question the answer is a hundred percent yes.
Let's talk about that a little bit so before covid long island had a very active very strong seller's market and after covet it just became stronger so let's look at it from this angle pre-covered we may have had four to six offers on a house at any given time granted some houses saw 20 and some may have seen one or two right but after covet we have people coming in from the city that's only increased the competition so it's been a very hectic stressful market for a lot of the buyers as a whole simply because there's not enough inventory what does that mean for our sellers all right sellers so that's all great news for you right so the sellers have seen increase in the values increase in the offers that they are getting for their homes there's a lot of multiple offers and of course with multiple offers comes higher higher higher so the sellers are definitely in a position of strength at this time and like i said it was a strong seller's market before it before covet of course that's what I'm referring to and now it's even stronger so the name of the game in real estate is always demand and supply and right now we have very little supply and a huge demand of sellers.