
What is Safemoon exactly, and how does it work?

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Jacob Cole @Jacob_Cole · Jun 15, 2021



The word "cryptocurrency" is now widely used. Other cryptocurrencies have entered the market since the public's awareness of Bitcoin. There are roughly 4000 cryptocurrencies on the market right now, with some of them steadily increasing in value. We'll talk about the most recent addition, Safemoon. This newly formed cryptocurrency's continuously rising price drew attention. This blog will discuss Safemoon and its future.

What is Safemoon, exactly?


This coin was issued on March 8, 2021. It's a BEP2 token based on the Binance Smart Chain. The unexpected price hike that occurred after the launch of Safemoon received a lot of attention. Safemoon charges a fee to the seller, unlike other cryptocurrencies that favour cheaper transaction fees. If you want to trade this cryptocurrency, keep in mind that you will be subject to taxes. Safemoon is based on a simple principle: the longer you keep your money, the more benefits you will receive. This cryptocurrency presently has 2.5 million users and has used up 40% of its token supply. The intention behind the creation of this money was to address the issue of temporary loss.

Safemoon's Tokenomics- A total of one quadrillion Safemoon tokens were created, with the developers burning 223 million of them. Several people have questioned Safemoon's long-term viability and security. The volatility of the cryptocurrency market is nothing new, but with current trends showing a growth in cryptocurrency values, we can expect the market to perform better, and Safemoon is a wonderful alternative if you want to make a quick profit.

Many people are calling it a Ponzi scheme, but recent trends show that early adopters will profit the most, therefore you should consider purchasing it. However, be certain that you undertake market research.

The United States and the United Kingdom collaborate on Operation Safemoon.

To reduce price volatility, Safemoon does not encourage day trading of its currencies. Long-term holders of the token will be awarded the most. A ten percent penalty fee will be imposed to anyone selling the Safemoon token, with current token holders receiving a five percent reimbursement.

The cost was added to limit the number of tokens that may be sold rather than kept. This will allow tracking the sudden decline in ricing that occurs when people begin selling tokens more easier. It may also cause price volatility, which could hurt bitcoin sales. A taxes amount has been added to avoid this.

This is a simple and effective technique for promoting Bitcoin while also benefiting clients. The truth is that one must maintain a close eye on the market and fluctuations in bitcoin prices. If you want to learn more about Blockchain and cryptocurrency trading, contact the Blockchain Council right now.