
Experience with using braces(Dental clinic near Kakkanad)




Let's talk about the teeth straightening procedure today. (Dental clinic near Kakkanad)

At the time of Removal. Some changes that dental patients experience during a teeth straightening procedure.

  • A patient may experience little tightness and soreness after each appointment with your dentist. 
  • After every change, the patient feels different
  • Tenderness in your gums as it gets to adjust to its position.
  • Their food schedule will also change allowing them to eat certain foods that were restricted before. during the first phase of putting on braces will have some difficulty to have foods that are hard like meat, chicken, etc.. but by the next phase onwards you can start eating. Allowing you to eat properly.
  • Gain a healthier mouth after every clean. Each appointment of changing braces is a time-consuming process as they should be removed cleaned and fix. So each time you got for a change. your mouth is been cleaned thus retaining a healthier mouth.
  • Feels more confident smiling. Feeling the changes that occurred. We feel more straightened teeth than before
  • Improved face appearance. at each braces removal, you can notice some changes in your appearance.


One of my cousins used to put on braces. She always used to mention her difficulty in putting on braces. The funniest part is that she doesn't need to straighten the teeth. Her teeth have got only some small sort of curve. Looking very beautiful with that. She went to put on the braces as her friends suggested. It has been over 6 months that she is wearing braces.

It was a painful experience at the beginning causing a ban on our favorite foods. Only soft foods can be consumed. as days passed by, she started adjusting to the change 

Putting on the braces has given her very confidence to smile. She feels very satisfied. The dental clinic near Kakkanad is the best in Kochi, they have a professional dentist who does all kinds of dental treatments.


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