
17 Best subject lines for your next survey email

A well-thought-out and well-composed survey can be a valuable way to gather customer feedback. Your email marketing mailing list offers you direct access to people who can give you first-hand accounts of just how good your customer experience and customer service really are, as well as specific feedback on the products and services they’ve purchased from you.

While email surveys take just a minute or two for the customer to fill in, the email marketer behind it needs to invest significantly more effort. Of course, once you’ve spent the time creating that survey, you want to make sure your contacts are actually opening the email – otherwise, what’s the point?


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Survey emails are a great way to engage with your subscribers and get to know them. 

Consumers want to know that their opinions matter to a brand. And initiating contact shows them that you care what they have to say. 


Subject lines play a big role in your campaign’s success

Email marketers already understand how vital the email subject line is. It’s the first impression your reader gets when they come across your message. What’s more,47% of email recipients choose whether or not to open an email solely based on its subject line.

When it comes to your subject lines for survey emails, you want to entice them, but you don’t want to come off as spammy. Nearly 70% of those who receive emails use the subject line to determine whether or not to mark a message as spam (and email surveys often make use of spam filter trigger words, which doesn’t make things any easier on your marketing team). 

So how important survey emails? Well, they have an average response rate of 33% – which means they’re important to craft carefully. Even more important to craft carefully: Your subject lines.

Are subject lines for survey emails all that different from your average email subject lines? Yes and no. We’ll talk about why in just a moment.


9 survey email subject lines your subscribers will open

There’s nothing like raw and honest feedback from your subscribers and customers. Unfortunately, if you’re sending out survey emails with lackluster subject lines, your data probably isn’t accurate.

According to a recent report, only 22% of marketers believed customer loyalty for brands has increased over the past two years. 38% of customers, however, consider themselves loyal to brands they love. This shows a very discouraging disconnect between marketers and the people they want to reach.

Why is this happening, and what can we do to bridge that gap?

Plan their path15 Ways to Create Survey Email Subject Lines With Examples
Plan their path

With powerful segmentation, easily create customized journeys for your subscribers.

Well, like we mentioned in the intro, who are the people responding to your surveys? If you’re sending generic “Let us know what you think” survey email subject lines, it’s likely that only angry or frustrated customers are going to respond. That’s not good if you want to collect honest data about a wide range of customers—both happy and unhappy.

When it comes to surveying email copy, you have a lot of strategies and tactics to make it work. None of that work is worthwhile though if no one actually opens the email. Use the tips and examples below to send out emails that actually get opened.

1. Trigger an emotion.

Imagine all the survey email subject lines in your inbox right now. What emotions come to mind?

Are you having trouble coming up with an answer? That’s probably because most of those subject lines don’t trigger any type of emotion. They’re forgettable.

Just like with your other email campaigns, you want to invoke some type of emotion in your subscribers when they see that Gmail notification. Emotion always trumps rationale. “Let us know what you think” will not produce an emotion unless the customer had an extreme experience with your company.

While extremely positive reviews are great, it can take a lot to counteract extremely bad reviews, so you want to aim for customers who had a pleasant experience but may need extra reinforcement or reward to write a review.

The easiest emotion to trigger in your survey subject lines is empathy. People tend to identify with other customers as the “us” and brands as “them.” That’s why word-of-mouth marketing is so important.

Let subscribers know that they can help their fellow comrades make informed decisions about your company or organization by replying to the survey.



How to Write Compelling Survey Email Subject Lines


Example: “[Name], people have questions about [insert product]. Can you help?”

2. Make sure it’s personal.

“Quick customer feedback survey” doesn’t necessarily pack the punch you’re looking for. Not only is this email subject line dry and boring, but it’s also extremely robotic and impersonal. Your subscriber isn’t an inbox—they’re a human. So in your subject lines, speak to them like a person.

According to research from Accenture, 75% of customers are more likely to spend their hard-earned money with brands that recognize them by name and remember information about them. Plus, personalized emails are vital for customer retention.

You’ve heard us talk about the importance of personalization, and it’s extremely important to use it when you can in subject lines.

You can also take it a step further by sending personalized automated emails.

If you’re requesting feedback about a recent purchase, make sure to incorporate the day, location, order number, and any other unique information you have to help the customer recall their experience.

Uber does a great job of personalizing their automated feedback emails with a friendly tone and specific information about the purchase.


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