
Rapper Nuranrah Fuses Cultural Roots With Introspective Lyricism



What started as a way to channel energy went on to become a global phenomenon. Much to the surprise of the talented artist, his deeply personal music found adulation from thousands. Fans of Nuranrah appreciate the raw emotions he brings to his art, which resonate with them deeply. “He just gets me. He knows me better than me,” said one self-proclaimed biggest Nuranrah fan.


At his most vulnerable, Nuranrah feels the most creative. Unguardedness goes hand-in-hand with putting out hits like "Moonlight" and "Peace". More than anything, music is Nuranrah crutch, a beautiful coping mechanism. But not everyone who wants to create good music can create good music. When passion meets talent, a legend is born. What better example for that than Nuranrah? A true prodigy, he doesn’t follow trends – he sets them.


“I have never created music for just making profits. Music is my life. And creating music from the heart is as cathartic to me as listening to it is cathartic to my fans. We make a dream pair, my fans and me. And I will be forever grateful to them for giving me this big a voice,” says hitmaker Nuranrah.