
What are Twitch Polls and How to Create Twitch Polls?


Twitch polls are a feature of the streaming platform to get in touch with live viewers and collect their opinion on a specific topic: what content to stream, what game to play, or a topic to discuss.

They are useful because:

  • They help you know firsthand what your community thinks about what you are asking for.
  • They allow you to interact with your viewers who can give their opinion and feel that they are part of the streaming.

We present here several characteristics of surveys:

  • Polls on Twitch are only available to streamers who have Affiliate or Partner status .
  • You can only do one poll at a time. When you finish the one you prepared, you can make another one.
  • The streamer is the one who manages polls , although editors and moderators can also create polls during broadcasts.
  • In the poll, viewers vote for an option offered by the streamer, although it is not mandatory to answer.
  • Viewers vote in the poll using their points from their channel : they must put at least one point in it. 
  • Once you have chosen the answer, you cannot undo the chosen vote and any points you have spent are not refunded.
  • If you feel the poll is inappropriate or inappropriate , you can report it and let Twitch know.

Now that you know a little more about Twitch polls, how do you create a live poll? 

Table of Contents

  • How to Create Polls on Twitch?
    • How to Create Polls on Twitch with command 
      •  1. Type the command /poll 
      • 2. Add question
      • 3. Choose your answers 
      • 4. Configure the poll
      • 5. Define the duration of the survey
      • 6. Click Start Survey.
    • Manage Twitch Poll from Creators Dashboard
      • 1 Click “+” in Shortcuts.
      • 2 Choose the poll option
      • 3 Click Manage Polls
      • 4 Click New Survey
  • How to Create a Twitch Poll in 2022
  • How do I vote in a Poll on Twitch?

How to Create Polls on Twitch?

There are two ways to create a poll: from the stream, through commands, or from the creator panel. 

How to Create Polls on Twitch with command 

To create a poll with a command, just go to your chat while streaming.

1. Type the command /poll 

This is the command you need to type to launch your poll with your viewers. Then click send and press the Enter key.


Read More;- https://streamingadvise.com/how-to-create-twitch-poll/