
India @75: The waves of digital transformation

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Tilak Verma @Tilak_Verma · Oct 10, 2022

In the last 75 years, independent India has repeatedly exhibited a model of political, economic, and democratic success to the world. This is witnessed in the development of the country’s place on the global map as a desirable State for foreign trade, investments, and strategic alliances.


India’s foreign economic policy has followed a trajectory of pursuing unbiased core national interests. Thus, it has succeeded in shedding its post-colonial identity to be known today among the fastest-growing large free market economies. With attracting record FDI year after year, India’s exports continue to surge, making it a major stakeholder in multilateral and bilateral trade negotiations. The FTAs that India has entered into in the recent past, with the UAE and Australia, along with ones on the horizon with the EU, the UK, and Canada, display a conditionality of equal market access as an integral feature of the agreements, ensuring best possible outcomes vis-à-vis national interest on bilateral negotiations.


Read more at: https://www.financialexpress.com/industry/india-75-the-waves-of-digital-transformation/2629937/