
Cookies rule from plate to mood swings

Good morning starts with a cup of coffee and a pair of biscuits. But where does the invention of this biscuit start from?


A little research made me understand that, it came as early as 7th century BC in Persia. After that it was reinvented and modified in France and in Italy, it was known as biscotti. At that time, people have started to use it with some flavours of fruits. Finally, the concept of cookie came from the oven of the Dutch, the Holland people.

Most Americans call themselves as the Cookie Monster nation as they buy the highest cookies in a year, and from the above information, we can say that some English migrants only brought the cookies to the Americans. The simple butter cookies resemble the tea cakes of the English. Some popular brands options are Oreo, Milano, Oreo Double stuff, Chocolate chip, Nutty bar, Oatmeal Cream .To add a variety , there is a new introduction called protein cookie by some bakers, and popular with the heath conscious people.

To get a lift up of your mood, you can start baking cookies. I bet that you will enjoy it and the final outcome of crunchy food gives you satisfaction to its rim. I am recommending this so strongly, because this is the therapy I use for myself often. “Just make the cookie and eat the cookie is the simple guideline of the therapy”. The oatmeal raisin cookies are my favourite, with lots of health benefits in it.

The only two things to keep in mind, while “Cooking Cookies…” as I say, instead of baking cookies… keep the temperature of the baking oven in check to give a good rise of your cookies.