Fast-paced lifestyles and busy schedules often force us to resort to fueling our bodies with packaged food with no nutritional value. This, coupled with a sedentary lifestyle, is a leading cause of a malady known as Crohn's disease. To safeguard oneself against the onset of such an ailment, it becomes important to consider the same from a health insurance viewpoint.
About Crohn’s disease
Crohn's disease is an illness that particularly targets the colon and the digestive tract. Being a subcategory of inflammatory bowel diseases, such a disease maligns your body's ability to digest food on time and leads to immense pain as well as inflammation in the digestive region. If left uncatered, then Crohn's disease can even morph into colon cancer.
While there is no cure yet to remedy such an ailment, doctors often prescribe a change in lifestyle and certain anti-inflammatory medication in order to help patients cope with its symptoms. Surgery may also be performed in extreme cases to remove the affected regions of the digestive tract.
Identifying Crohn’s disease
Various symptoms can be indicative of Crohn's disease, so it becomes important to visit a doctor if you notice even a slight presence of these effects:
- Rapid loss in appetite, followed by a subsequent drop in weight.
- Presence of blood while passing stool.
- Pain around the anal region, along with cramps in the abdomen.
- Inflammation in the eyes, skin as well as liver.
- Persisting fever, coupled with fatigue and anaemia.
- Repeated occurrence of diarrhea.
- Kidney stones.
The onset of these symptoms will be either gradual or sporadic. Depending on the severity, on some days, patients even experience remission, while on other days, the effect of these symptoms can be quite debilitating.
Health insurance coverage and the waiting period
Most health insurance plans provide coverage for Crohn's disease since it is classified as a critical illness. This means that you will be entitled to sufficient funds to cover medical expenses such as doctor visits, medication, surgery, hospital visitation bills, etc. Not all health insurance providers classify Crohn's disease as a critical illness since it is sometimes categorized under pre-existing conditions. Ensure to opt for one that better suits your requirements.
The waiting period for health insurance coverage refers to the amount of time that you will be required to wait for after the purchased of the plan to be able to file a claim for your ailment. From zero waiting periods to a waiting period of 30 days, this aspect depends on the insurance provider that you approach. Health insurance plans for critical illnesses generally come with a waiting period of 90 days, besides a 30-day survival period.
Regular health insurance schemes also offer assistance in the case of Crohn's disease by covering the rudimentary medical expenses. Before choosing a health insurance provider, ensure to compare their costs and whether or not the benefits outweigh them.
Managing Crohn’s disease can often seem like a formidable task, with the mounting medical expenses and the negative effect it has on your physical health. Health insurance plans targeted at this ailment serve as a helping hand during such a crisis since they protect your financial interests through effective management of your funds and risk coverage. Ensure to receive ample information from your insurance provider, so you can obtain a scheme that covers a long tenure and provides the maximum funds to cover any unexpected expenses. If you wish to prevent an onset of Crohn's disease, then follow a healthy lifestyle that focuses on the holistic development of your mind and body.