
Useful East Facing Vastu Tips to Make Such Property Auspicious for Its Occupants

With the help of east facing vastu tips provided by expert vastu consultant, you can make your home
even more auspicious and happy place for your family.
In this blog, we will share some useful east facing vastu tips followed by learning some of the vastu
mistakes you need to avoid for such property.
Most useful east facing vastu tips that are suggested by expert vastuvids are as follows-
i. Take a magnetic compass for determining east facing direction accurately.
ii. Only 2 padas in the east side are best, so prefer placing the main door on either Jayanta or Indra
iii. The southern and western sides of the compound wall can be made little thicker and higher
than the northern and eastern walls.
iv. For best result, place the kitchen either in South East or North West corner of the vastu.
v. While cooking in SE kitchen, face towards East and for NW kitchen, face towards West.
vi. Prefer placing the temple in the north east corner of the vastu.
vii. In case the plot is inclined, make sure that its slope is from south to north.
viii. For best result, select a plot that is either rectangular or square in shape.
ix. Try to keep some spare space in the eastern side of the vastu to channel good energies.
Now, its time for us to list out the vastu mistakes that you must avoid at all cost.
i. Never determine east facing vastu with the reference of sunrise, as it often produces
inaccurate result.
ii. Do not place the main door in random padas, as this can lead towards triggering some vastu
defect for you.
iii. Under no circumstance should you place toilet or septic tank in the north east corner. The
same rule applies for overhead water tank too.
iv. Never purchase a plot if it is sloped from north to south.
v. For best result, avoid any plot that has abrupt cut or extension, especially in east zone.
vi. Do not place the staircase in the North-East corner of the vastu.
vii. Avoid blocking the facing and north east zone with any heavy object.
viii. Never keep dustbin or broken furniture right outside the main entrance of the home and
particularly neat the North East corner.

To know more such east facing vastu tips from our experts, get in touch with us at Vaastu Mangaal.