
How to improve your hand-eye coordination?

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GlobalTechUpdate @GTU · Jun 10, 2022

Video games are fun for many people, but they also require a lot of practice to become good at. This article will teach you how to improve your hand-eye coordination while playing video games.



Video games have a negative reputation for being violent and a waste of time, but recent studies suggest that video games, particularly those that require quick reactions and action, may actually be beneficial to your health. 


How to improve your hand-eye coordination?


The video game industry was worth $159.3 billion in 2020 and based on current predictions, it is expected to be worth $200 billion by 2023. Asia-Pacific Region and Latin America are the fastest-growing markets. China alone spends $40.9 billion on consumer goods, while the US spends $36.9 billion.


Micro-transactions and in-game purchases help to generate more than 85% of the total video game industry revenue, with more than 2.7 billion gamers around the world.


Focus on One Thing at a Time


If you play video games, you probably spend a lot of time focusing on just one thing at a time. This skill will help you become better at video games because you’ll learn to focus on what you need to do while ignoring distractions.


Raise the Volume of Game 


Unknowingly, when you listen to music during a game, a small portion of your brain is actually listening to the music rather than focusing on the game. To do well in a video game, you have to pay attention and concentrate. 


If the game allows you to adjust the music and sound effects independently, turn down the music and turn up the sound effects. Sound effects can really help you improve your reflexes and reactions because they give you another way to judge your actions besides what you see. 


The best thing to do is to wear good headphones. This will block out a lot of the noise in your house and make you feel like you’re completely in the game, which will help you concentrate more.


Get a more comfortable mouse or controller


Having a mouse or controller that is comfortable and easy to use can make a substantial difference. Many gamers think they have to use the mouse or controller that came with the game, so they don’t try out the many other options that could make them much more comfortable. 


But the big mistake is to think that it’s all about comfort because comfort has a direct effect on how well you play. Examine third-party accessories the next time you’re in a local computer or gaming store to determine which fits your hand the best. 


To succeed, you must use your own method of self-control! And if you have money to spend, buy yourself a really comfortable ergonomic mouse.


Increase Screen Brightness


It’s a little-known fact among gamers that games are often intentionally dark or fuzzed to enhance the visibility of colors and contrast. Occasionally, this provides a particular mood or style, but it does not help you develop a sharp eye. 


If you’re playing any shooting game and want to be able to spot an opponent before they spot you, try adjusting the brightness of your television so that the colors are extremely visible. 


Naturally, making it too bright will defeat the purpose. But tinker with the graphics until they are very “obvious,” not very pretty. Yes, it might change the way the game looks, but this is only for people who want a better chance of winning.


Configure the Controls


In many games, you can change the way the controls work and how sensitive they are. Do not take that for granted. You might be eager to jump right into a game and use whatever works. If you spend a few minutes in the options, then testing it in-game, then back to the options and refining it, etc., you’ll notice a subtle but fundamental improvement in your performance.


Exercises to Strengthen Your Hand Muscles


Your gaming skills depend heavily on the arms and hands muscles. There are two reasons why you should strengthen them. The main reason is that if you play games for more than 30 minutes to an hour, your hands will start to feel tired and less responsive. 


People don’t realize how much this affects their ability to play games once the stress sets in. So, ideally, strengthening your hand and wrist muscles will not only make your muscles more reflexive and quick to react, but it will also prevent exhaustion from setting in.


Stressed or Depressed? Don’t Play!


When people are feeling down or stressed, many of them turn to video games. It can be a fun way to relax and have a good time. But you should realize that being in a bad mood will affect your gaming. 


So, if you’re already feeling down about yourself or anxious, losing in online multiplayer will make you feel even worse. In a vicious cycle, the worse you feel, the worse you perform. Be conscious of your emotions before beginning a multiplayer game. Always play when you are in a good mood and feel like you can accomplish anything.


Memorize an entire level.


One of the best ways to prepare for a multiplayer game is to master a level before playing with friends. This is a way to fool your friends without actually cheating. For example, if you’re playing a racing game, play the level 20 to 30 times against the computer until you know it like the back of your hand. 


You must be aware of where the turns are, where the items are, where the shortcuts are, and where you can pass your opponents. When you play against your friends, choose the level you worked on and watch as you easily take first place. This is comparable to being in the zone because your brain feels confident in itself and does not fear failure.