
Does Your Horse Need Gut Health Support?

Equine food products like chopped hay come through normal function in the gut, but overeating or rapid eating like cases disturb the harmony, causing excessive gas and fermentation. The hind gut’s functionality depends on beneficial microorganisms or good bugs that regulate pH level and stop their detrimental counterparts.


The “good bugs” also kill harmful bacteria, fungi, and viruses with their antibiotic-like elements and enzymes, controlling toxins emitted by the latter. Therefore, the horse needs these good bacteria or microorganisms for preserving the gut health flora that enhances the digestive system.

What happens when the horse’s diet is changed or altered?

Equine experts have timely reprimanded diet changes (especially the sudden ones) for horses because those entities may kill the good bacteria and let the bad bacteria prevail with full force, causing GI (gastrointestinal) disturbances. GI health gets also affected by stress, excessive-performance, travel, routine changes, etc.

As a horse owner, you can introduce gradual changes in the concentrates and diet for your horse, adding support supplements for a smooth transition. This helps in preventing any outright sudden changes and averts stressful situations too. The horse’s gut system welcomes these new good bacteria for aiding digestion.

Gut microflora requires diet supplementation for adopting changes in the diet. Similarly, you should explore hoof food supplements for improving the health of their hooves, reducing tender soles and dry walls, increasing hardness, and supporting weak or cracking hooves. The Australian market proffers a myriad of horse supplements that are manufactured by leading companies.