
Top 5 Secrets to getting glowing skin.




Glowing skin is no less than a boon or blessing for every girl on this planet. Rarely we may find a girl, who would not mind how her skin looks or appears. Every girl spends hours trying their remedies to achieve glowing skin. Some of these can be homemade remedies, while some others might rely on expensive skincare treatments or products. But we tell you, that there is no such product or skin treatment which can give glowing skin overnight.


According to the top general physician in Delhi, Glowing skin is a process which combines several aspects to give the soft, shiny and supple skin of dreams.


 We spill over top five secrets to getting glowy skin as suggested by the best general physician in South Delhi:


  1. Hydration

One of the key remedies to achieving the skin of dreams or a healthy and acne-free skin is drinking at least 4-5 litres of water every day. Water helps to get rid of the harmful toxins from the body in the form of urine or faeces, thereby giving glowy skin. It also boosts collagen production which again contributes to soft supple skin and helps in skin repair. Besides, drinking significant amounts of water helps to keep wrinkles at bay.


  1. Following a skincare routine

Now, there are several ways in which a skincare regime can be followed. But it is not as complex as it has been made by the skincare professionals or influencers posting fetish content about skincare regimens on social media platforms. There is nothing as complex about it. As per the top general physician in South Delhi, a skincare regimen should be followed in the morning and before bedtime. Moreover, one just needs to wash their face using a mild or gentle cleanser, followed by a moisturiser and sunscreen. Following these three simple steps can help to achieve the desired results.


  1. Ice pack remedy

The ice pack remedy is one of the best remedies for attaining healthy and soft supple skin. This remedy can be followed during summers and it helps to reduce or control the oil or sebum production besides, reducing skin inflammation. For those having extremely oily or acne-prone skin, there is no better way to achieve healthy skin, than can be achieved by quick ice therapy.


  1. Nutrition for the skin

It has been popularly and rightly said that whatever we eat shows up on our skin. We have wondered several times about the European people’s secret to glowy or shiny skin and thought to ourselves, the secret skincare products or skin treatments behind them. However, the truth is there are no expensive skin care treatments or products which can lead to such shiny and soft skin. It is only using adding significant amounts of nutritious meals to the diet which can help to achieve glowy skin. As per the popular general physician in South Delhi, foods that are high in protein, fibre, calcium, vitamins and minerals are a boon for healthy skin. On the other hand, foods which are loaded with high amounts of refined sugar and healthy carbohydrates and fatty acids can lead to skin problems including acne. This is because such foods with high glycemic index interfere with the body hormones and lead to excessive sebum or oil production thereby resulting in acne or skin problems.


  1. Sunscreen should be the best mate

Those who dream of achieving healthy and spotless skin should make sunscreen their best friend especially before stepping out during summers as well as winters. Applying sunscreen regularly also helps to delay the ageing process as well as helps to fight wrinkles.