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Server Center @Server_Center · May 28, 2022

The smart light switch is a smart home appliance. And there are tons of companies developing this unit. But before you buy a boatload of them, it is important to understand the ins and outs of this device. There are some interesting facts that you might want to know. If yes, without asking any further questions, let’s dive in:


Rule #1: A good platform

Some platforms develop and sell only smart light switches. But because of the comfort zone, later on, you might want to pile on other smart devices. But the point has been, that other platforms offer their control apps to control their smart devices. But if you plan to buy all smart devices from a different company, it might not work. It works in a patent format.

Building a smart home is a desire that most people cannot say no to once started. However, if you plan to choose a reputed organization that is into developing switches, entertainment devices like smart TVs, smart cameras, smart locks and many more, then controlling these appliances with smart switches becomes a lot easier than all the devices belonging to different organizations.

Supposedly, if you do not update your smartphone but a smart person would like to control a smart light switch with the help of a voice assistant like Siri, Google, or Alexa, it makes the task much easier to do so.

Rule #2: Wireless hub is a must

Smart switches use wireless transmissions to send and receive signals and the best way is to do so by connecting them with a wireless hub at home. You'll need a Wi-Fi hub to transfer their transmissions to your router and then to you over the cloud if you want to control bulbs like that from afar.

Rule#3: Smart devices are energy savers

The initial price tag is high but upon usage, it consumes less electricity and contributes lesser units to create an electric bill. They can save insanely on their monthly utility bills, for sure.

These switches replace traditional built-in switches; they work exactly like standard light switches, but they provide you with more options for controlling your lighting and other switch-wired equipment.

Rule #4: installation is easy-breezy

They're more simple to install than you may think, and if you have a lot of light bulbs connected to a single switch, they can save you money. Another advantage of smart switches is that your scheduled tasks and voice commands will keep working even if the light is switched off.

So, you got that part where we come to know, that no matter how handy these smart light switches are, they are highly economical on the pocket. It has 3 basic reasons to understand this concept:

  1. 24*7 access: You won't have to wonder if you left the bathroom or kitchen light on/off. And there is no need to panic or check the lights and devices of each room. The point has been, that you simply have to open the app and control the smart light switch with a single swipe of your finger.
  2. Organizing a schedule: You may program your lights to turn on and off at specific times. If you're away, for example, you can set lights to turn on at specific times of the day to make it appear as if someone is home. This is both less expensive and more efficient than merely turning on the lights.
  3. Automation: Smart light switches work with the IFTTT concept, which means that one movement can set off a chain of events. This enables you to program dawn and sunset automation, such as turning on lights when the sun sets and turning them off when the sun rises. This type of automation may be done via the Google and Alexa apps, as well as an Apple TV or an iPod if you have one. Cross-functionality is crucial, and smart devices integrate with all of the major platforms, allowing you to choose the best solution for your needs.