
Three products based on EveryTag technology

ILD (Information Leaks Detection)
The ILD (Information Leaks Detection) product is a tool for investigating and identifying the culprit of confidential data leakage from the workflow system. A key feature of ILD is document marking. This solution can be integrated into the usual document management systems, including IBMFileNet, Directum , Documentum , etc., and through the REST API - and into any other EDMS... At the same time, the structure of the workflow does not change, and only security specialists gain access to the EveryTag interface. A unique personal copy of the document is created each time it is opened and sent by e-mail. As of March 2021, the technology is capable of processing DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX, PDF , JPEG, PNG, TIF, TIFF files for marking .

An example of an examination of a compromised copy of EveryTag.
In the event of a leak, a compromised document is uploaded to the ILD for examination. This can be an original or a photograph of a printed page, a screenshot or a photo of a screen, and even wrinkled, dirty and damaged samples. By recognizing the characteristics of the copy and identifying the source of the leak, a security professional can identify an attacker. By the way, the owner of the copy does not have to be a thief: an attacker, for example, can secretly photograph a screen or a printed file from behind a bona fide employee. And here, traditional scenarios and technical means such as video surveillance systems can help in the investigation .

UI (Unique Interface)
The UI (Unique Interface) solution is designed to identify the culprit of the data leak from the computer screen. UI labels the web interface with the EveryTag algorithm, making it unique for each user. Thus, the UI is able to protect information on the screen from taking screenshots or simply taking pictures with a smartphone . It can be any data from CRM or billing systems, postal attachments, information from analytics and reporting systems, as well as drawings and diagrams from development systems, PDF files. The product also integrates into various workflow systems through the REST API .

Investigation of leaks is carried out by a security specialist in the same way as in the case of an ILD, and the sample can be either the original document, or a fragment or photograph. The system is capable of recognizing the original and identifying the owner even from a distorted photo, an angle shot, a low-resolution screenshot or from a paper copy in any condition.

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VDR (Virtual Data Room)
VDR (Virtual Data Room) is a virtual room, an environment designed for the secure exchange of documents. VDR works similarly to Google.Drive or Yandex.Disk and is a space where you can upload important documents and set different levels of access to them. Documents in VDR are also marked using EveryTag technology, and in the event of a leak, its source will be quickly detected. Unique copies are created each time a document is opened and sent by email. In addition, by default, each document uploaded to the VDR is available exclusively to its creator, and only he alone has the right to open access to others.

The developers recommend using the VDR for conducting critical business events: mergers and acquisitions, audits and preparation for an IPO , for working with personal information of public figures, as well as for protecting intellectual property. VDR provides secure access to documents for all interested parties, including third parties involved in transactions: lawyers, bankers, auditors, experts and representatives of regulatory bodies.