
How to Maintain Health of Your Furniture Over Time

Indians love all types of furniture and people in Kolkata spend a huge amount of time beautifying their houses. It takes a lot of time and hard work to find the furniture of your choice. Wooden furniture is pleasing to our eyes but to maintain it for years, it needs a good amount of care. Maintenance can be done in many ways. In this blog, we suggest easy and handy ways to take care of your sofa sets, dining tables, outdoor furniture, and bed showroom to sustain their looks. 

Let’s get started!

  • Regular Dusting: It is important to dust off the furniture regularly as it helps to remove various air bone dust particles from the surface. Also, you can get rid of the scratch marks by dusting and cleaning them regularly. You can use a clean, dry, and a soft cloth or even readymade dusters to get effective cleaning. Use a slightly damped cloth to prevent the dust particles from spreading out in the air.
  • Cleaning: For cleaning, just use a clean cloth. Avoid making the most common mistake of using all-purpose cleaning sprays. The only exception to using the spray is when your outdoor furniture in Kolkata has a plastic coating. Also, never wash any kind of furniture with water. If you have any sticky or greasy stains on it, then the way out is to clean it with a mixture of water and soap. 
  • Polishing: Another very important for cleaning using polish, wax, or spray is not using all of them at once. Never combine these products because the wax is a semi-solid agent and polish is made up of petroleum distillates. These chemicals are not to be used collectively. 
  • Other Tips
  1. All types of furniture should be protected from the sun. There must not be direct sun exposure because it can fade the color and dry up the wood.
  2. Make sure you never keep any wet or hot objects on the furniture. You can either use trivets or coasters in order to prevent any damage.
  3. To give a touch-up and take off the scratches, use polish or you can also use matching color shoe polish as well.

One More Tip: 

Here is one homemade recipe for cleaning the furniture. For that, you can mix olive oil, denatured alcohol, gum turpentine, and lemon in equal parts. Apply the mixture and then clean it with a soft cloth.

If you are looking for a sofa set in Kolkata or outdoor furniture in Kolkata, you can reach out to Woguefurns, a luxurious wooden furniture brand in Kolkata.