
Tanning Accelerator Lotions: A Guide

With today's tanning accelerators, there's no excuse not to preserve a golden glow all year. Tanning lotions such as the Australian gold accelerator are designed to reduce the amount of time it takes to achieve a sun-kissed tan. They are primarily designed for use with indoor tanning sunbeds (although some are suitable for outdoor use). Because there are so many tanning optimizers and enhancers on the market, you may be wondering what kind of tanning lotion to use. We've put together this quick guide to help you choose the right one for you. Tip: Tanning boosters don't contain sunscreen, thus they won't protect you from being sunburned!


Lotions for Accelerator and Maximizer

We recommend starting with an accelerator/maximizer lotion if you're new to tanning or have pale/sensitive skin. Most starter accelerators have powerful anti-aging ingredients like CoQ-10. Beginner accelerators are non-tingling and do not contain bronzers, making them ideal for establishing a foundation tan.


Lotions for Bronzers

The bronzer is the next step up and the most popular type of tanning accelerator. The immediate and delayed bronzers are the two types of bronzers. Bronzers have the advantage of combining DHA and active chemicals to provide fast dark results and long-lasting color, while also continuing to grow after a tanning session to deepen your tan. If you use bronzers, make sure you apply the lotion evenly or you'll get a spotty tan.


Tingle Lotions

Tingle lotions do exactly what they say on the bottle; they tingle your skin once you apply them. Why do people behave in this manner? Essentially, the lotion draws blood to the surface of your skin, enhancing the UV rays' effect and allowing you to develop a deeper, darker tan much faster. Tingle lotions are ideal for persons who want to acquire a very dark tan and are not recommended for beginners. Tingle lotions are not recommended for persons who have sensitive skin.


Terminologies to Know:

With so many lotions to choose from, attentively reading each product's label and comprehending the language can offer you a big advantage when it comes to finding the one that's right for you.


Hemp Seed Oil nourishes and moisturizes your skin, leaving it soft and smooth.


Body Blush: For individuals with delicate skin who desire a tingling effect.


Anti-Aging: Vitamins added to these lotions help fight the signs of aging skin.


Shimmer: These moisturizers contain glittering ingredients that give your skin a glistening sheen.


Caffeine: Caffeine helps to minimize puffiness while also energizing the skin.


Vitamin A is also known as beta carotene. It improves the color of your skin's pigmentation.


DHA is a chemical compound that turns brown when it comes into touch with the skin. The darker the tan, the higher the DHA.


Vitamin E softens the skin and reduces the appearance of lines and wrinkles.


Aloe Vera: Calms and soothes the skin.


Monoi De Tahiti Oil: Softens the skin and naturally protects it from the sun and sea salt.


Finding the right lotion for you can be difficult, but if you follow our instructions, you'll be able to find one, such as the Australian gold tanning lotion. We have one of the most comprehensive selections of tanning accelerators on the internet, with goods from well-known companies.