
Phrases to include in dissertation abstract:

The abstract is the first impression and a very crucial step in the law dissertation. Abstract determine your professor to read the law dissertation with interest. It is the thing that determines the professor to analyze the quality of your dissertation based on the abstract. The abstract is placed after the title and the students should make the abstract attractive with phrases and informative content so that their professor takes interest in reading the thesis statement.


What is Abstract?

It is a short summary of your law dissertation. An abstract summarizes the entire content of the dissertation.

Your professor has a clear idea of the dissertation after reading the abstract. Your abstract should include all the information of your dissertation like introduction, methods, discussion, result, and conclusion.

 You understand the definition and the importance of the abstract. You need to include the phrases, which engage your professor in the dissertation.  

You need to be very careful with the content and phrases in the abstract. While writing the abstract, you should remember that it represents your whole dissertation paper so you should include the best phrases in your abstract.  Dissertation Writing Services


Law Students should include the Why, What, So what, and how of your dissertation in the abstract.


Why: Why your law dissertation topic is important?

What: What you learned and studied in your dissertation and where that research is included in your dissertation.


So what: So what were the conclusion, alternative methods, and big findings of your dissertation?

How: How do you design the dissertation (methodology)?


Keep the phrases simple:

Your abstract length should be between 100 -250 words so you should plan every phrase carefully. Writing an attractive phrase does not mean overloading your abstract with jargon and huge words that can make your abstract complex and difficult to digest the writing. Keep the phrases simple and use appropriate phrases that are related to your field of study. Good abstract should be easy to read.

In the Abstract, you need to be specific. Include the most important finding and do not include too much information about your dissertation.


The abstract is written on the top of the dissertation after the title but the students should leave the space of the abstract and write it at the last.  Because you have all the knowledge of your dissertation and you can write the abstract in a better way. The goal of your dissertation abstract is that your professor should be able to clearly understand the key takeaway of your dissertation, which is why you need to use relevant and attractive phrases and keep the phrases simple.


The most powerful method you can use is to put yourself in the shoes of your professor. Assume that the professor is not an expert in the field but interested in your dissertation and research. When writing an abstract ask the question that why my professor and I should read this Dissertation Help.


Hope this article will be beneficial for you in understanding the phrases in the law dissertation abstract.