
Homemade Foot Cream Galore

Many say that some of the best things in life are massages and foot spas. Enjoying these luxuries, however, is no piece of cake. For example, the best foot spas are delivered from the other side of the globe, in Phuket, Thailand to be exact. Don't have enough to spend for an overseas trip? Of course you can just simply get a trip to the nearest spa clinic near your neighborhood, except that this does not guarantee that you will save more on money. An express 30 minute foot spa, for example, can already cost you $30 which is not an amount that can be easily digested. But do you know that relaxation does not exactly need to come with a high price? You can give yourself a leisurely time even if you are just staying on the four corners of your home.

If you want to administer your very own foot spa, one of the primary things that you need is to have a good quality foot cream. You can either buy one from your favorite skin care shop or do your very own homemade foot cream if you want to stick to the aim of not paying for anything for your foot spa. For the latter, you can simply come up with an exfoliating or anti-fungal foot cream just by looking around your kitchen shelves.