
Storage Of Solar Energy Problems: Possible Solutions



Renewable energy is widely used as a source of energy in the replacement of fossil fuels for energy generation. This makes it possible to eliminate the greenhouse gas emissions that pollute our planet. There are different kinds of renewable energies like geothermal, solar, wind energy. The most well-known of these is solar power. Many countries use solar power to satisfy their energy needs. This technology is utilized by a variety of nations, including the United Kingdom and Germany. China leads the way in solar panels that are cheap all around the globe.


In fact, solar energy is gradually revolutionizing the energy world, but problems also exist. The capacity of energy production is going up, and prices are reducing, but the one issue that holds it back is its storage problem. It's impossible to be able to have solar energy at the same level that it is in the cloudy conditions, or even the night. This could make it difficult to keep the equilibrium between supply and demand.


Electric grids won't function well if there is an imbalance between supply and demand. Germany is currently facing this issue as the capacity of its grid has increased dramatically and soon will meet half of its energy needs through solar power. However, experts warn that any additional installation beyond this point can cause continuous grid instability during the daytime. There are a variety of options to solve this issue. Smart grid technology as well as storage using batteries are two possibilities. However, there are also loopholes. Let's take a look at solar energy storage issues.


Problems with storage energy storage

Batteries are the primary source for solar energy storage. But we could not get solid batteries that can effectively store solar energy. The people in the energy industry are trying very hard to get the most efficient batteries. The development of lithium-ion batteries has been an enormous success in this area. These are extremely good for applications that require a moderate amount of power. These batteries can be used for solar-powered electronic devices, such as the auto dark welding helmets. They recharge the device rapidly and offer a great deal of power. These batteries are also used in electric car batteries.


Problems of major importance when dealing with a PV System


You have to face many challenges when dealing with solar energy and renewable energy systems. These challenges will be summarized in order to let you assess the severity of them and provide a complete overview. Let's take a look solar energy problems.


Low capacity factor


Because of the variability in the weather, it's impossible to predict the power output generated by solar power or wind farms. So, they're only helpful when the sun or wind work with you, or as per your expectations, however if they are not then you can't use the power plant at their original capacity.


Non-synchronized generation


In conventional or traditional power plants, it is possible to easily regulate the frequency, and the voltage support will be high enough. This isn't easy to regulate in solar power. You'll either have to make large investments or you'll be unable to. It is necessary to have enough panels and batteries to power a welding machine using solar energy.


The impact of location


Some areas may have a more intense power than others. Some areas are not equipped with the transmission infrastructure necessary to allow electricity to reach the most remote locations. Therefore, it varies from the where it is. If the sun shines in one location and transmission infrastructure is also in place, then the situation is perfect for generating and transmitting renewable energy from solar power farms. If not, you'll deal with a myriad of issues while maintaining the balance between solar energy production and transmission.




It's been one of the most frustrating and difficult issues in dealing with solar energy problems. There are a lot of variations you have to face when dealing with this type of energy generation. Sometimes, you will get more energy than you need to capacity, and at times, there will be a shortage of energy.




It is impossible to forecast the conditions of the earth for the next few days with absolute accuracy. Therefore, you should always have enough energy to fulfill your needs on a daily basis.