Globalization has paved ways for women to be a part of big companies and take on responsibilities just like a man. This has somewhere resulted in more cases of sexual harassment at the workplace. Sexual harassment impedes prosperity and brings mental trauma. The right to work with dignity should be enjoyed by both genders – Male and Female.
It is the duty of the employer to ensure that the workplace is safe and secured from any kind of sexual harassment.
Duties of an Employer Regarding a Workplace
- Removal of hostile workplace against women
- Safe environment for both the genders
- Dissemination of an IC to guarantee prohibition, prevention and redressal of sexual assault at the workplace (including the extended workplace)
- Form an IC and regulate the details of the members of the Internal Committee in the company.
- Proper training and workshops to sensitize employees with the basics of the Posh Law
- Training for members of the IC
- Better facilities to carry the inquiry and investigation process for dealing with cases of sexual harassment
- Preparation of an annual report with all the deals of cases
- Look after the reports submitted by the Internal Committee
Verbal Conduct as Sexual Harassment
Verbal conduct that is offensive and related to physical abuse are also treated as sexual harassment. Words are as offensive as physical assault. Jokes, stories and comments related to sexual harassment are hostile for a workplace.
Examples of Sexual Harassment Conduct
- Un-entertained sexual propositions
- Sexual suggestions or unwanted dates
- Better employment offers for a sexual favour
- Sexual gestures
- Sexually explicit objects or posters
- Obscene communications through web
- Derogatory dress slurs
- Sexually explicit jokes
- Unwanted grabbing, comments, touching or assaulting
- Forced hugs or kisses
- Constant staring at body parts which makes a person uncomfortable
- Eve-teasing
- Exposing private body parts
- Sexually awkward remarks and whistling
- Taunts regarding body shape
- Pornographic content display
- Molestation
It is the need of the hour that we start taking these issues as not just a subject to be ignored, rather of great concern. The preconceived ideology of men being the culprit should not be leveraged at any cost. Be it a man or a woman, both can be at either side of the court.
It is the right of both the genders to put their cause and get justice. Both men and women should be heard. The wronged woman deserves justice. At the same time, men should not be looked upon as the wrongdoers always. What matters is that sexual harassment should not go unnoticed and unreported.