Digital marketing is an incredibly broad term. For many marketers, this can be a little intimidating. The truth is that you don’t have to know everything about digital marketing to be successful — but you do need to know where to look and how to recognize the trends. In this article, we’ll cover ten of the most important trends in digital marketing for 2017.
1. Mobile Marketing
Mobile marketing is a great way to reach your audience in the palm of their hands. It’s important to have a mobile-optimized website that’s easy to navigate and has a clean design. If you have a physical location, make sure to add a mobile-optimized version of your store locator and other relevant info like directions and hours.Online, make sure to use modern mobile technologies like responsive design, accessibility controls, and photo previews. These guidelines will ensure your website loads quickly and looks great on all types of mobile devices. Mobile users tend to spend more time on websites than desktop users do, so take the time to ensure the design of your website works for the tablet/smartphone experience. If you need help creating responsive site designs, make sure to check out Canva’s Step-by-Step Guide to Webdesign Responsive Design. Retargeting — the practice of sending your current customers to other websites — can stimulate the growth of your business. When done well, it can drive revenue for your business without a new physical obstacle in your way. Build content that relates to your customer’s interests — like style guides, online clothing stores, a variety of tools, seasonal events, etc. Check out this guide on how to create engaging content ideas. The goal is to produce content that is more likely to create a repeat customer-retention or sale. Additionally, you can start creating drawstring bags to promote various products. Build the audience organically through avenues other than advertising and ads. Research shows that a digital engagement program is ten times more effective in driving leads. You can also join online communities and use other social channels to engage with your audience. One of the best ways to grow your email list is to invest in content. Use things like branded hashtags, influencer marketing, validated content formats, and podcast hosting to give your audience something more than an advertisement. Since people are less likely to spend time on social media than they are on other websites, every piece of content you publish should engross them.
2. Content Marketing
Content marketing is a great way to provide value to your audience and build trust with your customers. You can do this by providing information that will be useful to your customers, or by creating entertaining or valuable content that will get people talking about you. A great example of this is Dollar Shave Club, a company that sends razors to your doorstep every month. Of course, everyone has heard that great content marketing increases your conversion rate, therefore helping you make more sales. But what is content marketing? As with any marketing effort, content is the foundation. In general, content focuses on what your customers value. If you didn’t know anything about your customers before, you now do. Your customers’ needs are increasing. And with every little bit of information, you can create more value — more value that your customers can take away and use in the future. We can think of content as a tool for further positioning your company. For example, if you’re a shoe company, you might produce information that provides info on your current shoe styles or trends. If you’re an online retailer, then you might create informative content such as how to use the website more efficiently. And if you’re a multi-channel media company, then you might create video tutorials on various topics, for example, crafting your company’s look. This type of content emphasizes value, and is a great way to position yourself as the expert in your field. Competitors are constantly investing in user-friendly offerings that are easier to use, and are generally more appealing than the products or services you offer. In fact, 90% of B2B employees say that they appreciate a streamlined user experience. Of course, if you provide a great experience, others will want to use your platform, too. Since the customer never truly knows what they want until they’ve tried it, simple is often the best way to succeed in a digital marketing campaign. UX is the art of making a product or service easy to use. Marketing departments use this term to describe the overall approach to the digital marketing effort.
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