
All about the GST Input Tax Credit

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EbizFiling01 @EbizFiling01 · Jul 15, 2023

Understand everything about ITC and claiming ITC under GST

We pay the applicable tax when we make a purchase of a good or service. The maker, or a person who is not an end user, must now pay tax on the total amount of sales produced over the course of a year. The manufacturer can now take advantage of an input tax credit by deducting the tax he had paid on the goods from the total cost of the services. We have covered the GST Input Tax Credit in this article.

What is an input tax credit?

Input Tax Credit is the term used to describe the tax that was already paid by a person at the time of the acquisition of goods or services and that can be subtracted from the tax due. When you pay tax on output, you have the option to deduct the tax you already paid on input.

For example, if a manufacturer charges INR 500 in taxes on the final product and INR 350 in taxes are charged at the time of purchase, the manufacturer can claim an input credit for the INR 350 in taxes and only be required to pay INR 150 in taxes. Simply, the manufacturer of the goods can claim the difference between the taxes it pays on the final product and the purchases it makes.

What does Input Tax Credit mean under the GST?

For the tax that the buyer paid on a purchase, the manufacturer, E-commerce operator, supplier, agent, and any other legal entity involved in the input credit mechanism will be eligible to claim input credit. Input credit in GST simply refers to the taxpayer's ability to claim Input Tax Credit for the sum they paid at the time of purchase.

ITC guidelines for GST

  • If inputs are received in lots, suppliers may only claim the input credit based on the most recent lot.
  • To be eligible for an input tax credit, suppliers must submit documentation linked to the bill of entry or any other documents of a similar nature.
  • Must pay the supplier within three months of the invoice's issue date the value of the goods or services, plus tax, or the money will be forfeited. It would be increased by the recipient's available credit limit.

Point to keep in mind while claiming Input Tax Credit under GST

  • Suppliers have submitted GST filings.
  • A tax invoice or debit note generated by a registered dealer for a purchase.
  • After the claimant has resurrected the goods and services, the claim can be made.
  • A supplier is required to pay or deposit the tax that is levied on a purchase to the government in the form of an input credit or with cash.

Under the following circumstances, a taxpayer cannot claim an Input Tax Credit under the GST

  • The buyer is not permitted to claim input credit if the supplier has not paid the government the taxable amount.
  • Purchases of goods and services made for personal use are not eligible for input tax credits.
  • Over a year-old purchase invoices cannot be claimed for an input tax credit. Based on the date the invoice was generated, a one-year term is calculated. 

The steps for claiming an Input Tax Credit under the GST


FAQs regarding the GST Input Tax Credit

1. Can GST that was paid on a reverse charge basis be treated as input tax?

Yes. Input tax is defined to include tax due under the reverse charge.

2. What form is required for GST Input Tax Credit?

Utilizing the declaration form known as GST Form ITC-01, input tax credit can be claimed. When a taxpayer submits a GST payment to the government that was funded by sales, they are able to deduct the amount of GST already paid thanks to an input tax credit.

3. Is there a deadline to use an input tax credit?

The concerned person cannot make an ITC claim after a year has passed since the tax invoice for that supply was issued, whether it be for a move from exempt to taxable supplies, a new registration, or a switch from a composition to a conventional scheme.

4. Are our electricity bills eligible for GST input credits?

No, a taxpayer may only claim for products and services used in the creation of output; input services or items are not eligible for reimbursement.

5. May we get a return of our input tax credit?

Yes, one may submit a monthly claim for the repayment of unused input tax credits. 

6. Are bank fees or expenses eligible for ITC?

Yes, if the costs were incurred for business purposes, the taxpayer may claim them.