
Beginning Investing: How to invest in trading for best growth?

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keith cooper @keith_cooper · Sep 4, 2021


Beginning Investing: What is an investment? 

An investment is a concept where a commodity, physical or virtual, is bought with an idea to sell in the future for profits. In another way, people invest in banks or buy mutual funds and SIP for garnering bigger returns. 

Investment is made to receive something in a magnifying form. Therefore, it is usually associated with assets. Investing in precious metals is considered one of the best investments because they can be sold offline and online. Also, they have less impact on inflation or market crises. 

The purpose of putting money or your hard work into something is a fruitful outcome. For example, a farmer spends time, water and money cultivating crops for earning funds. So, if you are contemplating beginning investing in some assets, strategy is the primary virtue. 

Beginning investing: Who is an investor? 

Anyone who is investing in any financial market or buying an asset or property with the intention of making better financial returns is an investor. An investor uses several financial instruments to accomplish important objectives like saving for buying a house, retirement plan, education, pre-closing loans, accumulating wealth over time, etc. 

Multiple financial vehicles help in reaching the target of investment. Options trading, stocks, commodities, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), cryptocurrencies, mutual funds, metals, real estate etc. are some of the avenues of investments by investors. They answer questions like how to start an investment, the best way to start investing, or how to begin investing. 

Investors look toward an idea to minimise risks. They analyse investment opportunities from various angles and dimensions to avoid any perils associated with them. 

How to start investing? 

Before you start investing in any stream, do your research regarding the market. Every sector has its demands and ways of operating. A fixed deposit or savings account in a bank gives an investor a fixed amount of money as interest. 

Investing requires patience and knowledge by an investor for generating bigger rewards in the financial market. However, some investing comes with the risk of losing funds. So, an investor should apply strategies for countering the issue. 

Types of investments

If investors want to achieve financial targets, it is important to know about different trading vehicles or instruments. Each investment type has its own set of features that enhance profitability. However, they also have risk factors associated with them. Some of them are:- 

  • Commodities
  • Insurance
  • Precious metals
  • Mutual funds
  • Stocks
  • Indices
  • Foreign exchange currency
  • Retirement plans
  • Security futures
  • Cryptocurrencies
  • Bank deposits
  • Exchange Traded Funds
  • Bonds
  • Real Estate

How to start beginning investing money? 

There’s no perfect answer to the question of where to invest money in the financial market for earning profits. Your investment goals decide how much money you require for investment. Investing money is the most incredible way of accumulating good wealth over time. However, it demands patience and strategies in place. There are different ways one may decide to invest money. The query ‘how to begin investing’ can be answered using three basic steps:- 

  • Risk tolerance
  • Style of trading 
  • Budget 

Style of trading 

When you think of ‘how to start beginning investing’, timing is the first thing that comes to your mind. It determines the amount of profit you may earn. Passive investing and active investing are two ways for beginning investing in the financial market. Both have merits attached to them if an investor is looking for a long-term investment. However, it all depends on the amount of wealth you have and the risk-reward factor you consider. Moreover, the interest of an investor also matters in the investment. 

Active investment means that an individual is involved in researching the financial market for buying assets and create a diversified portfolio. It means constructing and maintaining various financial assets and selling them after confirming a reasonable chunk of gains. For example, if you bid, buy and sell a forex currency pair or a commodity using online brokers like TradedWell, PrimeFin, TradeATF etc., you are an active investor. 

A successful active investor remains in a profitable position and follows three important things:- 

  • Desire
  • Knowledge 
  • Time


Before you enter any market actively, you should be backed by proper research and knowledge to know the potential risks and profitability factors. You should know how to analyse the market and strategise before investing. If you choose any sector, investing in that without knowing the market fully would amount to losses sooner or later. For instance, if an investor picks Tesla for stock investments and does not know about its products and revenue model, the buyer would lose or make fewer profits than expected. 

So, it is important to do fundamental research or analysis of the company. That’s the essential part of knowledge. Thus, learning about basics pave the way for success in the financial market. 


As an active trader, you should be able to manage your time well to initiate the homework properly while investing in an asset. Before investing money, you should invest time in research and analysis. The devotion of time creates investment opportunities for traders as one can gain experience in various markets and grasp the needs and ways of trading. 


If you want to earn a certain amount of wealth in your lifetime, it is important to desire and execute into the practice for manifesting it in the true form. Active investment requires the capacity of desiring massively. For that, one needs to put patience in the thoughts. It requires a dedicated framework and tracking of the market for wealth to arrive. The desired target of financial investment should be coupled with planning and a good broker like ETFinance or ABinvesting. 

The aim of passive investment is also accumulating wealth. However, here you are not directly involved in investment. It is like hiring a cab instead of driving your own car to the destination. The destination is important here, not the vehicle. People invest in mutual funds in the long run. Moreover, investors can hire a financial advisor who can decide where and when to invest on their behalf. There are charges applied for their services. 

With the growing technology, investors are seeking the help of an artificial intelligence-enabled robo-financial advisor. 

Differences between passive and active investments: 

Passive investments Active investments

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